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Vingt-trois - Twenty-Three

"Cal!" Fay sighed dramatically, having been dragged back to the center of the room six times since they initially arrived. And then once Fay finally found his groove long enough to get into the whole dancing thing, Cal would proceed to drag him elsewhere. It was starting to make Fay a bit dizzy.

"Oh, come on, Fay!" Cal slurred, swaying slightly. Fay was one-hundred percent sure that Cal managed to get too drunk every single time that they went out to a party. It didn't help that Cal's own parents always ushered him to go out more and live the ideal high school experience. It was like they forgot that Cal was underaged, and wasn't even legally allowed to be drinking. "I want to dance!"

"You're going to throw up and I don't want it to be on me." Fay complained, still following Cal out to the center of room despite it. The song Girls In Bikinis by Poppy came on, and Fay simply couldn't help but forgive Cal for changing his mind once again because how could he not dance to that one?

"I won't throw up!" Cal stuck out his tongue, nearly falling over before Fay caught his arm with a laugh. That boy was going to be the death of him.

Fay wore that same crop top with the hearts on it that he bought a few months ago, having done pink eye shadow and his staple lipgloss as part of his cleansing routine. Fay told himself that he was going to quit worrying about anyone other than himself for that night and that night only. He knew that he wouldn't be able to make it more than one day. So he was going to milk that feeling of finally being weightless while it lasted.

Eisley asked a few questions ever since Fay asked her for advice, but she never pried. Fay knew that she was concerned about him and wanted to make sure that he was okay above all else, and it was very sweet of her. He wasn't sure if she told Cal what he had said or not, but he wouldn't put it passed her if she did. It wasn't like he specifically told her that she couldn't say anything. And he already felt a bit guilty for asking only her and leaving Cal completely in the dark.

However, with the way that Cal had been acting ever since, Fay had a feeling that he knew. He was being more affectionate and comical than usual, as though he knew that something was plaguing Fay. For all Fay knew, it could have just been his knowledge of Charlot's current mental state. Either way, Fay appreciated it more than he could ever put into words.

"I'd like to see boys in bikinis too!" The pair screamed that lyric out, and it was too funny hearing it come from a shitfaced Cal.

Fay always loved how comfortable Cal was with his sexuality. He didn't have a fragile masculinity. He was completely comfortable around Fay, his favorite color was pink, and he didn't get defensive when someone asked if he was gay. He simply said that he wasn't. And a lot of people always thought that he was simply because he spent so much time with Fay, even though Cal had a body count of at least five or six girls.

When they shouted the lyric out, a few people looked over at them. The only other people who sung that lyric were the straight girls. However, when they all saw that it was just Cal and Fay who had done, they quickly dismissed it.

"Fay! Fay!" Cal was yelling as soon as the song ended. "I want to go in the pool!" He dragged out the last word dramatically.

"Cal, you're going to drown!" Fay yelled back.

That party took place at a very large house, belonging to the head cheerleader, Cierra. Fay and her were pretty good friends, even though she was a bit of a bitch, and Fay had even slept over at her house a few times. Mostly just because every girl thinks that they have to have a gay best friend, which Fay sometimes found to be quite insulting. Even though he acted pretty flamboyant, sarcastic, and sweet, it did not mean that all gay boys were the same. And it did not mean that they wanted to deal with the cheerleaders and their drama.

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