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Stefan's POV
I was with Klaus as we were in a warehouse in Chicago. A lot has happened Klaus broke his curse, but Elena is still alive because John had linked his life with hers, Elijah betrayed us, no one has heard from Isabella although Klaus claims she is safe but compelled me to shut up about her, Damon got bit by Tyler who was a werewolf and in order to save him I had to do and go wherever Klaus went. We spent a whole summer trying to find a werewolf pack but when we did they all ended up dying so here we are at Gloria's bar wondering why it happened (Even though I already knew the reason) and Klaus has to awaken his sister in order to get the answer she needs.
"Before we do this I want you to know something," Klaus says turning to face me.
"What?" I asked plainly not really caring whet he has to say.
"Come now Stefan show some enthusiasm would you? It regards your sister," he says leading me to a smaller coffin.
My eyes widened as I looked over at Klaus who nodded and I sped over to open it. There layed Isabella in the same outfit she had left us in a couple months ago.
"Y-Y-You had her?" I asked looking at him in disbelief before shock turned to anger. "YOU DID THIS TOO HER?!" I yelled getting angrier as my veins popped out from my eyes.
"Oh quiet down Stefan before I decide to change my mind. She'll be awakened in a minute right now I have to get Rebekah," he says before going to another coffin.
Isabella's POV
"UNCLE KOL!" I squealed happily as he tickled me on the ground.
Mommy, Elijah and Uncle Finn were laughing as I tried pushing his hands from me.
"Say it and I'll stop! Who's the most handsomest Uncle in the world?"
Y-Y-You are Uncle Kol!" I laughed before he grinned and completely stopped as I watched my breath.
Uncle Elijah has been with us several months, although Klaus did keep his word on getting him out he put him right back in this world the minute he became a hybrid. To say I hate Uncle Klaus right now was an understatement. He betrayed me and my trust.
"What's wrong little one?" Elijah asked kneeling before me as he saw a frown upon my face.
I sighed.
"I hate Uncle Klaus," I admitted looking down.
"Dont we all darling?" Kol asked as Rebekah stood up.
"Somethings happening," she says as o went over to her.
"Mommy what's wrong?" I asked as I went over to hug her but she vanished before I could do anything.
"MOMMY?!" I shouted panicked. "UNCLE ELI WHERE'S MOMMY?!" I turned to see Uncle Eli, Finn, and Kol floating away from me leaving me all alone ad everything started crumbling down as I screamed.
"MOMMY I DONT WANT TO BE ALONE!" I shouted tears falling down before darkness consumed me.
I took large deep breaths as my eyes suddenly went wide. I was clawing at my throat as I was so thirsty.
"Here baby," I heard a voice say as I sat up and took the juice cup someone handed me.
I drank it greedily as I could feel my life coming back to me. Despite me being half vampire, I still need blood time to time. Once finished i looked up at the woman who gave it to me and my eyes bulged out of my head.
"MOMMY?!" I shouted jumping from my coffin and into her arms. "MOMMY!"
"Oh baby look at you. My baby in the flesh," she says kissing me all over the face causing me to giggle.
A smirk was heard at the door as wwe turned to see Uncle Klaus by it leaning against the door frame.
"Well isnt this a family reunion?" He says as Rebekah growled and moved away from me as she went up to him and stabbed him in the stomach with a dagger.
"GO TO HELL NIK!" She screamed out.
Uncle Klaus only gasped before taking it out himself.
"Dont pout you knew that wouldnt hurt me," he says as she vamp speed back over to me and wrapped me in her arms.
"You stay away from us. Do you hear me?"
Klaus rolled his eyes.
"I knew you'd say that so I brought a piece offering for both of you," he says before stepping aside to reveal my big brother Stefan.
A/n: Hey sorry guys had a bit of a writer's block (happens to everyone) but I'm back now so expect more updates every two days. Stay safe out there.

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