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Klaus' POV
I was too busy with renovating the house to notice Isabella's absence. I was currently in my room when the thought came to me that she wasnt here.
"Shit," I completely cursed opening my phone to see I had many missed calls from the other one.
I jumped out of bed putting on my shoes and a coat.
"Where are you going Master Klaus?" Mandy asked.
"Forgot about Isabella, Rebekah will kill me if I lost her," I told her before heading out the door.
I made it to the park a little while later and noticed nobody was there.
"Ah shit," I cursed myself. "Okay, think Klaus, think. Where could she have gone?"
I turned when I heard panting coming from an alley way. I raced over to see a beaten and bruised Isabella as my eyes widened in disbelief. I raced over to her just before she could collapse.
"Isabella who did this to you? ISABELLA!"
Isabella opened her mouth to speak but was unable to. She gave me one last look before closing her eyes.
"ISABELLA!" I screamed enrage as thunder crackled in the sky.
It's been days, weeks even. No sign of any type of improvement. Isabella laid there on my bed motionless. If I hadnt heard a heartbeat, i would have thought she'd be dead. I've been dodging Rebekah's calls and shes been calling me every day for her, and everyday I ignore her. Everything about Isabella has healed so I dont understand why she wasnt waking up.
"Master Klaus," Mandy says knocking on the door as I sat on the edge of her bed.
"Yes what is it?"
"There is a Rebekah on the phone for you,"
My eyes widened.
"How did she..... Give it here," I told her as she handed me the house phone.
"WHERE THE HELL IS MY DAUGHTER?!" Rebekah yelled over the phone causing me to pull it away from my ear for a second.
"The real question is how did you get this number?"
"Niklaus I'm not going to ask you again you've been avoiding me now put Isabella on the phone! Now!"
"I cant,"
"What do you mean you cant? Nik I dont understand,"
"I dont understand either Rebekah. I got everything handled now dont call back unless it's safe to come back. I got everything handled," I told her before hanging up the phone.
I sighed putting my hands over hers and resting my forehead against hers.
"Please, Please Isa wake up. I need you so much that it hurts. I'm sorry..... I was arrogant and stupid to have left you behind because now..... Now you wont wake up. I miss your smile, your laugh, your adorableness. Please, Please wake up. I'll even take you to Rebekah because I'm not responsible enough for you. Open your eyes Isa, please," I pleaded with her as a tear ran down my cheek.
Once it hit her hand she began to open her eyes with a startled gasp.
"Now I know your weakness. This girl will be the end of you," Isabella said in a monotone voice before blinking rapidly.
"Uncle Klaus?" She asked while coughing.
Isabella began violently shaking while her teeth were chattering. Getting over the shock, I had placed a hand on her forehead to find it burning up.
"Isabella your burning up," I commented while laying her back down.
She coughed again a little more violently into her hand this time.
"I-I dont know what's happening to me. I shouldnt get a cold,"
"Do you remember anything that's happened Isabella? The day at the Park?"
Isabella shook her head before coughing again.
"I just remember waiting on you and I fell asleep. Can I have some water Uncle Klaus?"
"Of course dear, I'll be back," I told her before closing the door behind her.
I searched around the house for Mandy and I finally found her at the kitchen.
"Yes Master Klaus?"
"Get ready for your trip back to Mystic Falls,"
"Whatever so do you mean?"
"Somebody is after Isabella. Shes not safe here. She woke up telling me that somebody knows my weakness but she doesnt remember what happened to her. In other news shes been compelled to keep quiet about whoever took her. Take her back to Rebekah, at least I know she'll be safe there,"
"Yes master Klaus. Is she sick? I can hear coughing in the room,"
"Yes it would assume that she is. Out of all my years I've known her shes never been sick before. Once she feels better that's when you'll leave," I told her before making my way back upstairs to Isabella.
A/N: What do you think is happening to Isabella? Leave your thoughts in the comments!

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