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Isabella's POV
"OH MY BABY GIRL!" Mommy shouted as soon as Steffie and I entered in Gloria's bar.
"MOMMY!" I shouted letting go of Stefan's hand and running to her as she laughed and gave me a big hug.
"Oh I missed you! I missed you so much! Dont you ever take her from me again you hear me Salvatore?" Mommy snapped causing Stefan to roll his eyes.
"Shes my sister. I can take her when I want to,"
"Dont start. Anyways both of you left us and I was so worried about you," mommy says rubbing her nose on my mine causing me to giggle.
"Yeah sorry retail therapy was making my head explode, and I'm sorry for taking my sister along with me, I really shouldn't have. You are the parent,"
"Uhhh...." Rebekah stumbled lost for words. "That's right, I am. I am the parent and if I want Isabella to leave with you I will let her go. Shes small and easy to lose and I swear if you ever lose my daughter expect your head mounted on my wall,"
"Uhh..... What is she doing?" Steffie asked changing the subject while looking at the witch Gloria.
"Shes failing," Uncle Klaus says glaring at her.
I drowned out the rest of the conversation as I focused on mommy petting my head while I laid on her chest. I yawned feeling sleepy as I had a hard time keeping my eyes open. I guess today's events really drowned me out because I started to see nothing but darkness.
I wasnt too sure what time it was when I woke up, but I sat up immediately taking the small blanket that laid on top of me off.
"Mommy? Steffie?" I asked frowning looking around but seeing nobody.
"Your mommy is gone right now Sweetheart,"
I started to panic.
"W-Where did she go?"
"She went out to go eat with Stefan and Klaus, but that's not what I want to talk to you about," she says coming over to me causing me to raise my eyebrows.
"What do you mean?"
"We both have a secret now dont we? How would mommy feel if she finds out you've been lying?"
"Huh? I dont understand? I've never lied to mommy,"
"You know about the Gilbert being alive. The girl with her friends were talking about you and Stefan,"
"You mean Elena's alive? I just woke up not too long ago from Uncle Klaus putting me-"
"STOP ACTING INNOCENT!" She shouted causing my head to explode as I cried out in pain.
"MAKE IT STOP! PLEASE MAKE IT STOP! MOMMY!" I cried withering around on the floor.
That's another thing about being half human, Any kind of witches magic can affect me weather it be good or bad.
"HEY WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Stefan asked being the first one to step in.
Gloria's concentration broke as my head stopped being in pain. I cried while holding my head on the ground.
"You both have a secret and I want that talisman no matter what it takes,"
"ISABELLA DOESN'T KNOW ANYTHING! SHES INNOCENT! SHE JUST WOKE UP FROM BEING IN A BOX SEVERAL MON- AHHHH!" Stefan yelled as I yelled as well when we both were feeling the same pain.
"Shut up and that goes for both of you. Just sleep I'll get it from you guys the hard way," Gloria hissed as Stefan collapsed on the floor.
"MOMMY!" Was the last thing I yelled before collapsing myself.
"LET HER GO SHE DOESN'T KNOW ANYTHING I SWEAR!" I could hear Stefan scream out from somewhere.
I groaned awake to find myself strapped in a chair unable to move my arms and legs while Stefan was shirtless and strapped to a table.
I realized that my mouth was gagged as I tried to call out Stefan's name.
"Shut up," she said while looking at me as I screamed in pain at my head again.
"No, No, No, No please stop! Stop it!" Stefan yelled as the pain lessened until it stopped completely.
"She maybe half human, but she can feel all the pain any witch can give her it's the only downfall of being half anyways,"
"She doesnt deserve this she's just a kid please!"
She shook her head and sighed.
"You just don't know the meaning of Shut up dont you?" She asked as my head did nothing but fry in pain once more causing me to scream even louder than before.

Baby Salvatore (Sequel to Baby Gilbert)Where stories live. Discover now