XXX (Finale)

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Isabella's POV (Several Months Later)
I've been a human approximately three months now and a lot of stuff happened in three months. We ended up staying in Mystic falls because A) so I can spend more time with my brothers and B) because Uncle Klaus wasn't finished with business here yet.
Speaking of Uncle Klaus he did end up releasing Elijah for me and while he was pissed at him, as soon as Klaus told him the story how I became human he began to calm down. Uncle Eli has been protective of me ever since. In fact a little too overprotective. He's always gotta keep tabs on where I'm at or where I'm going, who I'm with or when's the last time I ate. He's such a headache but I couldn't complain. Oh one more thing I forgot to mention, Steffie has his humanity back on but after apologizing to me fifty million times and counting, he decided to move out of the house something to do with Elena and Dammy being together. I was against it at first but it's understandable plus I can go see him whenever I want to.
"Got your clothes?" Uncle Eli asked as I was currently getting ready to leave to spend time with Dammy.
"Socks? Shoes? Toothbrush? Toothpaste?" He listed out as I rolled my eyes.
"Yes Uncle Eli, I'm all packed and ready to go," I told him as he pulled me into a hug.
"I love you sport and now that your human again I have to be more protective of you,"
"I know and I love you for that Uncle Eli," I told him just as the doorbell rang.
I let go of the hug and went to open it, but uncle Elijah beat me too it and shook his head.
"What did I tell you about opening doors?"
I signed.
"It's too dangerous, but it's just Dammy,"
"You don't know that little one," he says opening the door.
When he opened it I was expecting Damon but it wasn't him. Instead it was a woman named Hayley a werewolf someone Uncle Klaus was seeing.
"Hey little one," she says crouching down and rubbing my head.
"Hi," I repeated as she came inside.
"What is it Hayley?" Elijah asked as she frowned.
"We might have a problem;" she began but the door rang again.
This time I was for sure as it was Dammy as I excitedly went to open the door before Uncle Eli could stop me this time.
"Hey sport ready to go?" He asked as I hugged his leg.
"We're having a talk when you get home Isabella," Uncle Eli said causing me to groan and roll my eyes as Damon chuckled.
"What did you do this time?" He asked as I climbed onto his back.
"Opened the door, he doesn't want me to open doors but I knew it was you this time so I did,"
He laughed as he began vamp speeding towards the house causing me to close my eyes and in a second we were there. I opened them to see the boarding house in front of me.
"Heard from Steffie?" I asked as Damon only frowned and shook his head.
I signed as we went inside. Damon immediately poured himself a drink as he made me one as well. I rose my eyebrow.
"Dammy I'm five," I told him as he smirked.
"Technically your way older than a five year old," he says taking a sip.
"Yeah but I'm human again and I'm five in human years I can't drink alcohol!"
He just laughed as he drowned the first and second drink. Before anything more was said the door opened revealing a very heated uncle Klaus.
"We are leaving Isabella," he said in an upset voice.
"I just got her your not going anywhere," Damon said in defense.
"Listen Salvatore I'm already upset enough as it is please don't make me wanna kill you, Isabella come,"
"But Uncle Klaus-"
"Don't you shout at my sister!" Damon defended flashing over to me.
Before anything else was said a sickening snap was heard causing me to scream as Damon's body fell to the ground.
"I just found out some very disturbing news that may or may not be possible and now we have to leave. I've rounded up Rebekah, Elijah and Hayley and now it's just you,"
"What news did you find out to where you had to snap my brothers neck?" I asked curious as to why we have to leave so sudden.
"There is a possibility that Hayley might be pregnant," he said causing my eyes to grow wide.
A/N: That's it! Sorry if it's not really an ending your expecting but this is what I came up with so I'm sticking to it! Be on the look out for a third and last book of the Baby Gilbert series I hope you had just as much fun as I did with this book! Thanks for sticking and commenting on my book I love you all and have a good day!

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