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The class was playing dodgeball in PE class. 2 groups were playing against each other and Namji was a bit disappointed that she wasn't in the same team as Soobin.

Little did she know that Raena's friends wanted to plan something to hurt her.

Namji: Pass here!

Namji was playing normally. Her classmate threw the ball at Namji when suddenly she was pushed harshly and and got thrown onto the ground.

Namji: Argh!

The loud thud got all of their attention and everyone went quiet. Then Sanha and Soobin approached her at the same time.

Teacher: Are you ok?

Namji: Umm yeah. I just sprained my ankle...

Sanha: I'll bring her to the care office.

Soobin: No, I'll bring her. You don't know where it is.

Sanha hesitantly nodded before Soobin carried her out of the gym. Namji's heart was pounding non stop at the moment.


Nurse: Her ankle is fine. But it's better if you just rest for now.

Namji: Thank you.

The nurse gave her a smile before leaving the room.

Namji: Thank you.

Soobin: That was nothing.

Namji: Why did you help me?

Soobin: No specific reason...

Namji: Uwiii you like me don't you?

She teased and punched his arm.

Soobin: You're delusional.

Namji: If you say so...can we at least be friends? That's okay for me as well.

Namji looked at him with a bright smile. Soobin felt weird inside. He found himself staring at Namji longer then he should be.

Namji: Helloooo? Handsome Soobin!

Soobin snapped back to reality. Namji giggled as his reaction. She raised her hand for a fist bump.

Instead of replying her, he ended up leaving the room. He kind of panicked.

Namji: Oh, Soobin? Yah!

Soobin: "I don't like her! I don't."

Namji pouted. After a moment, 3 girls came inside and one of them was the one who pushed her earlier.

Mina: Awww poor Namji hurt herself?

Youngbae: Oh come on I didn't even push you that hard.

Jaein: She just fell hard on purpose. Are you an attention bitch? Huh?

They pushed her and poked her head. Namji stayed was getting scared.

Namji: SOOBIN!

She called him for help hoping he could still be near. Before she could call him again, Mina slapped her hand on her mouth.

Mina: Shut up bitch!

Jaein: No one will hear you sweetie.

Namji: Please stop!

Youngbae: Girls, let's teach her a lesson.

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