Chapter 32: A Flash of Memories

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Two beautiful beings walked under the shade of the forest. Stumbling upon a small stream, the two stopped to take a break.

Sitting under a huge sycamore tree, the two fell into a comfortable silence as they admire the blue, glistening stream. Fishes of different size and color swam and jump around happily in the cool water.

"Aren't you getting uncomfortable walking under the sun for too long?" Kimiko curiously asked the brown-haired pureblood beside her.

Kaname gave her a reassuring smile. "It's tolerable. Besides, the trees block most of the sun's rays."

Kimiko hummed with a curt nod. The vampires aren't really sensitive to the sun and it wouldn't cause them any physical damage, contrary to what the old folklore tells most people, but it can hurt their eyes.

Her line of sight came back to the stream, but her mind had flew elsewhere.

She remembered that she acted so harshly towards him on Takuma's party and that day at the headmaster's office.


Kaname turned his head to her direction. "Yes?"

"I believe I haven't properly apologized for my behavior towards you at Ichijo-kun's party...and that time at the headmaster's office." Her tone softens with a hint of bashfulness in it.

She was truly embarrassed of herself for lashing out at him so suddenly when he didn't do anything wrong, per se. He was just being brutally honest.

"I'm sorry if I acted so harshly. I just don't like it when the people I hold dear were being treated like that."

Kaname smiled. "It's alright, Kimiko-san. I also apologize for my poor choice of words. But I meant what I said about Kiryu-kun's transfer because I wanted to protect not only those he associate with, but also himself."

The wind passed them and brushed his hair from his eyes. Kimiko couldn't help but notice the distant look those pair of dark pools posses.

"Even if his heart was against the idea of joining the creatures he abhor, I know that he also believe that it would be for the best. Kiryu-kun is a kind child, he does not wish anyone harm."

He also wanted to tell her that he only acted that way because he was upset that Zero was closer to her than him.

Kaname's aware of Yuki's adoration to the human-turned-vampire, and he learned to accept it easily. Yuki is his little sister, and he sees and treats her as such; nothing more, nothing less.

But Kimiko...Kimiko is different.

To say the least, Kimiko was surprised by what Kaname had said about Zero. She thought he was one of those indifferent vampires who does not bother to associate or even acknowledge those who they consider as inferior.

For a pureblood, he's quite pleasing.

"That's good to hear." It may not show on her expression, but Kimiko's actually happy.

"If you don't mind me asking, what is your relationship with Kiryu-kun?" Kaname finally mustered up the courage to ask this question.

Kimiko blinked, not certain of her own answer. But after a few minutes of contemplating, she lifted her head to look at the clouds and said, "I see him as a brother..."

"If only I arrived earlier at the Kiryu household, I could've saved Zero's family and prevented him from turning into a vampire."

Kaname remembered Kimiko's words that were laced by guilt. Holding her hand, he gently squeeze them. "It's not your fault, Kimiko-san. Please don't blame yourself."

Kimiko let out a solemn sigh before turning to face him. "Kaname-san...have we met before?"

Kaname was stunned. "Could it be that her memories are coming back?"

"I'm afraid not. This is the first time I met you, Kimiko-san." Lying to her is painful for him, but he cannot let her or Yuki regain their memories.

Not yet.

Not until that man disappears permanently.

"Is that so? But...why do I feel as if I know you from somewhere?" She tried again, hoping to get the answer she wanted.

Kaname was about to say another lie when he heard Kimiko yelp in pain.

In a blink of an eye, Kaname knelt down in front of Kimiko to wrap his arms around her to not let her fall. He saw how her brows furrowed, sweat running down her pale face.

"Kimiko!" Kaname called, anxiousness and concern was evident in his voice.

Kimiko couldn't hear anything but an ear-piercing ring. Her sight of the figure that held her gradually blurred, as an unknown memories came rushing in like a wild tide.

"...hide the Queen, quickly!"

"No! I'll come with you!"

"My love, the kingdom needs their Queen more than I."

"The King is just as important!"

"I don't deserve to be their King. I was but a lowborn human before you shared your precious blood with me."

"Then won't I be enough of a reason for you not to leave? I need you more than you think. I can't imagine spending the rest of my immortal life without you."

These memories...who do they belong to?

Kimiko moaned, the pain subside as did the loud ringing. She could finally hear Kaname's frantic call.

He sounded so worried. Why would he be worried to someone like me?

"Kaname...san." She felt his hand on her back and the other tenderly holding hers. Kimiko looked up at the man who cradled her body.

Her head was leaned on his chest, the distinct sound of his heart beating rapidly made Kimiko wonder what made it beat so crazily.

"Thank you." Kimiko weakly muttered.

Kaname sighed in relief. His hand reached out for the hair that stick on her face, and swept it behind her ear.

"Is it alright if I bring you inside the Moon building? The sun must've gotten into you." Of course Kaname was aware that her sudden headache wasn't caused by the heat of the sun.

But he choose to let this be the reason for the unknown trigger.

When he saw the affirmative nod from her, Kaname wasted no more seconds before teleporting to the vampire's lair.

Appearing inside the pureblood's bedroom, Kaname gently placed her on his bed. He placed a couple of pillows on the headboard so that she could sit against it comfortably.

"Wait here for me, I'll get you something to drink."

"Hm." Kimiko hummed, her eyes closed. The room's cool temperature was easing the throb on her head.

Kaname then disappeared to fetch her a glass of water.


Published on: November 27, 2020

Hah, I'm alive, don't worry. Though, I must admit that I was thinking of discontinuing this book because 1. I don't have the motivation, 2. I don't have a good plot in mind, 3. Because I'm terribly busy at school, and 4. My brain is already being squeezed dry because of the novel I'm working on at Webnovel. The novel I'm working on there is made premium, meaning to say, it's being paid by readers.

However, I don't think I'm discontinuing this book. But I must warn you that it's quite rare for me to update it.

That is all, good day and happy reading! Also, Advanced Happy Holiday!!!!

—TsuKimiko ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2020 ⏰

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