Chapter 13: Back

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I dedicate this chapter to Kanachi108 for voting me at Watty's 2017
(Third Person's Pov)

It was midnight when the moon shown it's silver glory, towering over the whole scenery with its glow. The wind gave out a refreshing and gentle breeze with the trees swaying in rhythm.

At a balcony on the Moon dormitory building stood Kaname with a longing expression.

"Two weeks. It's been two weeks without your presence" Kaname said to himself, his gaze never left the moon, suppressing a sigh.

With his high sense of hearing, he caught the sound of crunchy steps. He jumped down from the balcony and searched for where the noise came from and saw a silhouette of a woman. With a clear view, a long haired brunette's back was facing him.

"Ms. Kimiko?" The girl turned around and showed that it is her.

Kimiko flinched because of the familiar voice, she turned her back and faced whoever it was.

"Kaname-san?" She replied silently.

Kaname sigh in relief seeing her safe and sound.

"Did you just arrived?" He asked.

Kimiko shook her head no. "No, I arrived an hour ago"

"An hour ago? But, I didn't felt her presence." He was shocked but kept a blank expression.

"Is that so? Is the Headmaster aware of your arrival?" He asked. Kimiko shook her head no.

"Well then, if I may, I would like to escort you to the Headmaster's office" He said offering his hand to her. Kimiko nodded and held onto his hand.

Kaname's heart jump in joy, feeling her warm and soft hand onto his cold one. He then began escorting her inside the building. The walk was silent yet relaxing.

Kimiko strangely felt safe and at ease when she's with him. She couldn't point it out but, he seems familiar. Especially when she got a weird flashback or some sort. But, she shrugged it off for the mean time because she has more serious things to sort out.

As they arrived by the door, Kaname knocked. When he heard an approval, he and Kimiko entered.

Kaien, as usual, is sipping another cup of tea, with his glasses fogged up by the steam. His eyes were closed in peace and he open them he almost choke.

"K-Kimiko-chan you're here! Thank goodness!" Kaien jumped from his chair in tears of joy towards Kimiko to give her a bear hug. Surprisingly, she didn't dodge and accepted his fatherly affection.

"I apologize for concerning you. As you can see I'm alright and I've finished my job successfully." She said nonchalantly.

Kaien pulled away and gave her a gently smile and caressed her head.

"Thank you Kimiko. You're probably tired so I'll give you two days rest."

Kimiko nodded. "Thank you Headmaster. Please excuse me" with that Kimiko exited the office.

Silence covered the office with Kaname and Kaien giving each other a stare.

"So, what kind of mission did the Hunter's Association gave her?" Kaname asked with an expressionless face, breaking the tense silence.

Kaien sigh making his way back to his seat. "I'm afraid I cannot tell you that"

"And why is that?"

"It's for your own good, Kaname. Interfering may cause more damage to her memories than helping her get it all back"


Edited on: June 04, 2017

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