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     I ambled into my high school with my head held high. I knew some kids were staring at me, but that was only assumed, since I had been gone for a year.

     My memories resurfaced of the terrible summer me and my friends went though.

    Not all of it was bad, like when me and Percy fell asleep in the stables together. I let out a laugh remembering coach Hedge's response to that.

   "Annabeth?" I heard a girl's voice and it didn't take long for me to know it was Ila. I looked to my left to see a girl with dark brown hair and pale blue eyes standing next to me. She had the book The Hunger Games in her hand.

   "Hey Ila." I responded. Ila's eyes filled with disbelief before she dropped her books and pulled me into a bear hug.
    "I missed you so much! Adam is in no way good company." Ila said, my shoulder muffling her voice. That's when Ila turned all serious. "Were the heck were you! You left for a year!"

    I glanced down at my shoes. Well Tartarus for one.. I thought, but I knew better than to say that. "Me and my friends went on this greek mythology tour where we learned a lot about greek myths." I told her. It wasn't a complete lie, they were basically touring all of Europe and Greek Mythology had a lot to do with what we were doing.

    "Well at lunch you have to tell me and Adam all about your trip!" Ila said.

    "What trip? Ila who are you talking to?" I turned around to find myself face to face with Adam. His face lit up the second he met my gaze. "Annabeth? Your back!" He also pulled me into a tight hug. "Where were you?"

    I told him the same lie I told Ila, they were mortals, they in no way could learn about camp half blood.

   "How about we walk you to class Annabeth?" Ila suggested dragging me with her to English. Adam not far behind us.

   "Can you guys maybe wait for me? Please?" He begged, but I don't think Ila heard him, or she just didn't care. I gave him a sorry look before Ila pulled me into English.

   We chose seats in the back of the classroom and patiently waited for Adam to show up.

   That's when Jessie came up to me.

    He had blond hair with almond brown eyes. "Hey. You must be new." He sat down in Adam's seat and wrapped his arm around my waist.

   "You must be dumber than a hellhound if you think you can freely touch me." I elbowed his rib cage and he let go of me.

   "But sweety, I want to take you to dinner tonight." He pouted.

    I turned to face this son of Hera. "Look why don't you go find a trash can where you belong!" I yelled at him before slapping him in the face. Let's just say it looked like someone painted a hand on his face in red.

  "What the heck is going on..?" Adam asked from behind me.

   "I think this dude flirted with Annabeth?" Ila guessed.

    I ignored Adam's question and returned my attention to this Jessie jerk. "Look I have a boyfriend so buzz off." I growled at him.

   "We're not done yet." He whispered in my ear. I stepped on his shoe before he left me alone. I sat back down in my seat and class started up.


   Hello! Welcome to my first Percabeth fanfiction kind of thing. Basically it's Percy and Annabeth dealing with high school.

   The cover isn't done yet so it probably looks really bad at the moment so please dont mind that disGRACE of a cover.

  Oh come on you know that was AMAZHANG.

  Fine, it was GOODE though.

  Hahaha! I'm so sorry.


Word count:655

Catlover4ever223 out!

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