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     Hello! Thx so much for reading! I'm going to do a question of the day at the beginning of each chapter now so feel free to comment your answers!

Question: What's the first monster Percy ever fought?

Now onto the story!


    Boy do I miss my seaweed brain. It's only been two weeks since I last saw him, but it felt like years.

    "Hello? Anyone in there?" Ila asked. She waved her hand in my face and I snapped out of my thoughts.

     "Hm?" I glanced around to find me and Ila standing alone in the hallway.

     "Are you okay? You used to never daze off before. You were always so focused." She had a worried look on her face when I met her eyes.

     "Sorry I was just thinking about my boyfriend and How much I miss him." I replied. Her eyes lit up.

      "Show me pictures please!!!" She asked getting all giddy. "My child grew up!!"

       "I'm to old to be your child Ila. And I don't have a phone remember?"

        "Dang it! I forgot!" She pouted. "Can you at least tell me what he looks like?" She begged.

         I rolled my eyes. "He has black unkempt hair as though he just went on a walk on the beach, sea green eyes, a swimmer's build and a medditean competition. Hes by all means handsome." I told her

         She squealed. "Either you just made him up to make me jealous or you have the hottest boyfriend ever."

        "I didn't make him up."
         "Oh I believe you! He just sounds to good to be true!" She grabbed her backpack from off the ground and slung it onto her back. "Want a ride home?"

         "Sure." I grabbed my bag and she drove me home. Once I got to my house I put my bag on its hanger and headed to the backyard to Iris call Percy. I turned on the sprinklers causing a rainbow before chucking a drachma(I think that's how its spelled.) Into the rainbow. "Oh Iris, goddess of the rainbow, please exept my offering." The rainbow shimmered. " show me Percy Jackson."

    Soon I could see Percy sitting on his bed with textbooks surrounding him. "Wow! Your actually studying Seaweed brain."

    He looked up from his textbook and smiled. "Well I want to get into college with my Wise girl, so I need to get decent grades."

   I smiled. I really missed him.going to college seemed years away, and yet there was only one more year until college started. "I miss you Seaweed brain."

   "I miss you too Wise girl."

    "How is everyone?" I asked.

    "Well,  Frank and Hazel visit from camp Juniper sometimes on weekends, Piper and Jason are happily dating, (I will NOT include the horrors of Trails of Apollo! Not in my Fanfiction!) Leo and Calypso are spending some time at camp right now, Will and Nico are fine, they both are attending the same school, and everyone else at camp is safe." Percy told me.

   "How's Thaila and Reyna?" I asked.

    "I haven't heard anything from the Hunt since we were last together, though I assume they're fine."

     "Good to hear." I smiled and we continued to talk while Percy tried to figure out his homework. I really missed my seaweed brain, and I really hope I can see him again soon.


    No. No. No. Never in a million years would I do that to Jason. No. I need JasonxBrick to happen okay?? Lol I'm joking.(or am I?)

   Anyway thanks for reading!!! This was a decent sized chapter so I hope you like it!!!

Word count:603

Word count:603

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