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      So in the last Chapter I asked what was the first monster Percy ever fought, and the answer is Miss' Dodds/a Fury.

   This weeks question is:

  What was the manticore from westover hall's name?

  Thanks for reading!!!

        I stumbled into school. I was up all night studying so Annabeth won't kill me for slacking.

       As much as I love sleep,(I don't know if he really does just gonna assume he does.) I care more about getting into the same collage as Annabeth, also---not dying. Annabeth would probably kill me if I didn't get into the collage in New Rome.

        I stuffed my stuff in my locker and started looking for Piper and Jason, who were probably by there lockers.

       I checked Jason's locker first, and when I had no luck I headed towards Pipers.

       "Percy!" I turned around to find Unity standing ten feet away. She quickly rushed next to me. "How was your night?" She asked.

         "It was fine, spent most of the night studying. yours?"

          She looked shocked. "You study??"

           "Just cause I'm stupid doesn't mean I don't try to have decent grades." I told her.

            Unity rubbed the back of her neck in embarrassment. "Oops sorry. I honestly didn't mean anything offensive I promise." She was bright red. "I really need to learn how to filter my mouth before I say something."

            "It's fine Unity." I turned around and continued walking Unity trailing behind.

            "You never answered my question." I pointed out.

             "Oh right! Got side tracked... my night was fine started reading a webtoon called unOrdinary, it's really good so far."

             "What's a webtoon...?" I honestly didn't know.

              "Oh I forgot you don't have a phone, It's an app you can download on your phone or tablet that let's you read comics that are digital.(my Webtoon addiction spread into my Wattpad account, help)I really enjoy the app personally." She smiled as she said that, showing off her pearly white teeth.

               "You like super heroes?"

                 She sighed. "Your a lost cause Percy. Not really, I read more of the slice of life or romance themed ones."

                  I honestly forgot how we got on this subject. I was about to say something when I caught a glimpse of Piper and Jason. "Oh there's Piper and Jason, talk to you later Unity." I headed towards them and paused when I heard what they were talking about.

                  "Still? Honestly what is Apollo doing?! He should he helping Rachel get her powers back!" Piper lifted her arms in the air angrily before dropping them back down and gripping her shirt.

                   "He's a god Pipes, he doesn't help us demigods." Jason pointed out.

                    "What are you to talking about....?" I asked.

                     "Just arguing about camp problems. How are you?" Piper answered.

                     "Okay." I gave them a thumbs up. "Never better."

Sigh. My addiction to webtoons spreads into everything I do... so sorry for that little bit in there...

  Anyway, Trails of Apollo is gonna be happening, just the Piper and Jason part doesn't. Cause ain't writing that. Nope. Don't even ask.

  Anyway, Happy birthday Percy Jackson! Cause I just had to update today. Heh...

Welp see you all later, bye!!!

Word count:537


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