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“Still no sign of Asriel…” Said Frisk.

“He couldn’t of ended up too far…” Sans guessed.

Chara was just looking around, kind of distant from the other two, when suddenly a skeleton, a bit shorter than Sans, wearing a blue bandana around his neck and with star-shaped eye pupils, ran over to Chara and gave her a really tight hug before she could even react.

“What the…” Sans and Frisk were shocked, but not more than Chara.

“Chara! At last! Where have you been?, I haven’t seen you all day!” The childish skeleton said enthusiastically. 

“Uh…y-you’re chocking m-me…” With that, Chara wasted her last bit of breath.

“Wait…” The boy moved away from the almost suffocating girl. “I’ve never seen you wear this before.”

“Erm, me neither.” Said Sans to himself enduring a slight laugh.

“And why aren’t you happy to see me? Oh and…” He looked over to Frisk and Sans. “Is that you, Frisk? No, wait, and are you…”

“I’m Sans.”

“What, but I’m Sans!”

“We’re from another universe.” Frisk smiled as she approached the other Sans, Underswap Sans. “I’m Frisk, pleased to meet you.” 

“Huh?! Frisk? But Frisk is scary! Chara, protect me!” Swap Sans hid behind Chara’s back.

“Ugh… This Sans might even be as annoying as you, Sans.” She sighed. “I had enough with one. I want to meet the Chara from here already… I’m sure she’s the coolest chick here.”

“Exactly the opposite of what you are, Chara.” Sans winked at her.

“Ugghh, son of a…”

“Hey! What’s all this about?”

“Chaaaaraaa!” He ran over to Swap Chara and gave her the same tight hug. Only this time, the girl returned it. He then explained her all that was going on, the fact that the others were their versions from another universe and all that.

“Oh, so you’re like a different version of us. That’s awesome! I’m so glad I’ve met you!” Swap Chara said excitedly.

“Th-that’s…the version of me…? She reminds me more of Frisk than myself…” Chara got the chills just thinking about it.

“Good to meet you too. Underswap Chara, why don’t you swap yourself with my Chara?” Sans joked.

“Not funny, Sans.” Chara said angered.

“But she’s my favourite Chara already!”

“Is that so?” Swap Chara laughed sweetly. “You two don’t seem to get on really well.”

“Oh don’t let them fool you.” Frisk laughed. “They’re actually dating each other!” I know, I can’t believe it either. What about me…?

“Seriously?!” Swap Sans looked thrilled at original Sans. “Wow… How do you do it, other me? How do you get Chara to fall in love with you?! I-I’ve been in love with her all my life, and I still haven’t managed to win her love…”

Sans looked over to Chara, who wasn’t looking at him since she was talking to Frisk and Swap Chara. “Hm… I actually don’t know how I did it. We argue all the time, we rarely agree on anything… Damn, we’ve even tried to kill each other.” Sans laughed. “But I guess deep down we’ve always known there was something, we just got tired of ignoring it…”

“Wow…” Swap Sans smiled after listening to all Sans said, he admired him now, like an idol.

He looked back at Swap Sans  after coming back to earth. “W-wait, did I just say all of that?” Wha- what the hell’s with me today? “Anyway...” He blushed and looked sideways. “Just forget I said anything. Your Chara looks like she’s the opposite of mine, so there’s not really much advice I can give you.”

“It’s okay. I can’t explain how, but what you just said about your relationship with Chara totally helped! I hope you stay together forever like me and my Chara will after she falls in love with me!”

“Heh… Yeah, great.” Sans said awkwardly.

Hey! Sorry for taking so long to update, quarantine is making me really busy... I'll try to get another chapter for tomorrow too!

Btw, curious question, what's your favorite Lady Gaga song?

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