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“Uhm…” Chara stood still with her arms crossed and one hand rubbing her arm in an awkward way. Everybody was dancing around her but she was too uncomfortable and reserved to do the same. “Hey!” She complained while she was pushed closer to Sans and dancing Paps by the bodies of the partying teenagers. “Ugghh, I hate this!” And then she suddenly realized: “wait, where’s my drink?” When she saw Sans having the last sip of her cup.

“Tasty.” Sans smirked.

“That was mine you asshole!”

“You think I’m as irresponsible as to let you have the full thing? Don’t want you drunk tonight, especially tonight. Heh, I’m protecting you y’know.”

“Ugh, yeah right. From a cup of punch.”

“Also, it’s not like you’re not drunk half the time, dumbass.” She added and rolled her eyes. They both talked loudly so they could hear each other with all the music and people signing.

“It’s different.”

“How?!” But Sans didn’t answer.

For a while it was kind of uncomfortable, they barely talked, only some random stuff; Sans had his hands in the pockets of his suit’s pants, looking around and not saying much; as well as Chara, who was still rubbing her arms awkwardly. Unlike Papyrus, who couldn’t stop moving, she couldn’t get the guts to dance knowing that  Sans would see her and possibly Asriel too some time later.

Suddenly, of course, the beat of the music changed and was no longer jazzy and lively. Instead, it was replaced by more slow and soft music. It was slow dance time.

“Shit…” Chara muttered under her breath. Asriel and Frisk were still nowhere to be seen.

“This part is more boring for me, and I have to go pee! You two have fun! And don’t fight!” Papyrus said to both of them before going to the bathroom.

“Sure…” Chara said looking sideways and feeling pretty embarrassed.

“Uhh…” Sans gulped. “Well, we look kind of weird just standing while everybody else is-”

“I know.” Chara interrupted and then sighed. “It’s just three minutes I guess.” She said before getting closer to him and wrapping her hands around his neck without standing too close. It was the first time she’d ever slow danced, and that adding to the fact that she was doing it with Sans was making her even more embarrassed. Even though she tried to hide it and keep her tough-girl attitude as usual, she always felt that Sans could just see right through her, like he could read her like a book. That’s the reason she had always been especially mad at him and disliked him. She hated feeling vulnerable and though she never did, he always ended up almost intimidating her as much as she hated to accept it.

Sans stared at her. “You’re blushing, wonder why.” He said a few seconds later, smirking.

“It’s just… kind of hot here, you know.”

“Now it’s hot.” He laughed.

She lifted her sight to stare back at him. She frowned. “Stop saying stuff like that! You’re always trying to flirt with me. Even though you like Frisk. And you do it because my reactions are fun to you!? You’re basically playing with me feelings, you know! Uh-or-I mean, trying to play with my feelings! Cause OBVIOYSLY I don’t like you. But it still gets on my nerves, and I’m sick of it! I’m leaving.”

“Chara, wait, I-”

“Don’t follow me.” She walked away leaving Sans on his own with a few people staring at him.

“Fuck.” He face palmed. “I’m a dumbass…” He said to himself.  “She did look kinda drunk though… I feel drunk too after this.”

Papyrus got back at almost the end of the song, not more than a minute after Chara left dramatically. “Where’s Chara?”

“She, uhh, she wanted to leave.” Sans answered.

“Why didn’t you accompany her, Sans??” Papyrus asked shocked and partially disappointed.

“She told me not no.” He shrugging.

“Asriel also just left…” Frisk said, surprising Sans since he didn’t realize she was there with Sans. “…we’re officially over.” Frisk looked sideways.

Sans wasn’t too shocked. Instead of it, he was relieved that Asriel at admitted the truth to Frisk, and everything came out like it had to. Plus, now his path to Frisk was cleared.

Frisk sighed. “Oh well…” “Sans,” She looked up at him, changing her expression for a sweet smile. She didn’t want anyone to feel sorry for her. “what do you say you dance to the next song with me?”

He blushed unconsciously at  her cuteness and opened his mouth about to answer to the question, but suddenly he paused in thought. “Wait… Do you think Chara’ll go home?”

“Where is she going to go if not?” She giggled.

“Dunno… I don’t really trust her, you know.”

“Come on, what are you, her mum?” She laughed. “Stop worrying and just enjoy the night.” “Let’s enjoy it together!”

Sans gulped.  Seeing her move her body in that dress, and that smile she had on her face… he couldn’t feel more tempted. The skeleton was usually the type to do many things on impulse, without taking too much care about the consequences. But this time he was too worried, very strange coming from him. But what if she didn’t want me to follow her cause she’s doin’ something I’m not supposed to know?... damn, I really sound like her mum. He glared at Frisk again. “Fuck…” He muttered. “I should have went after her in the first place.”

“That’s probably right, brother.” Papyrus said.

“Okay, that’s it, I’m going looking for her.”

“Owww…” Frisk saddened.

“It’s okay, Frisk. You and me can have fun together too!!!”


“Anyway… see ya.” Sans left off.

"•~•Fake Dating•~•" {Chara x Sans}Where stories live. Discover now