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"One big burger for the lady" "... And a hot dog and bottle of ketchup for the gentleman."

"Thanks, Grillby." Sans grinned, looking at his food with shiny eyes.

"My pleasure." Grillby smiled before heading back to the counter. "Ah... Young love..." He mumbled to himself.

Chara started devouring her burger, the grilled cheese almost pouring into her hands. The sound "mmm" emanated from her mouth thanks to the pleasure. She felt so good that Sans actually saw her smile.

"If it wasn't for all the ketchup around your mouth I'd actually think you look good." Even though he actually meant great. "You should smile more often y'know." He said before taking another bite of his hot dog.

Chara rolled her eyes trying to look tough while she swallowed, but still couldn't help a very slight smile slipping from the right of her lips.

"Huh? Sans?" A girl's voice asked from inside the bar. The girl approached.

"Sans! It really is you!"

"M-Muffet?" Sans had his mouth stuffed.

"Exactly! Oh my god, how long's it been?" The spider girl took a good look at him. "Wow, Sans, what a change. You've uhm, actually gotten much better." She blushed slightly. "So who are you here with?" She turned to face Chara. She blinked. "Wait, you're... uhm, Chara, right? Toriel's adoptive daughter." Muffet seemed slightly more uptight now. It was obvious she wasn't too comfortable around her.

"Uh... yeah. Hi." Chara didn't look too interested, she'd rather concentrate on her delicious burger.

Muffet cleared her throat and turned to face Sans again. "Okay. Well. So what are you doing here?" She smiled pleasantly at him. The way she talked made Chara a little nauseous.

"We were both kinda starving so, yeah. This is my favourite place in Snowdin."

"Yes, I remember!" She laughed childishly.

"What bout you?"

"Actually... I'm having a party today! You see, today it's been officially a year since I managed to get my precious spiders out of those ruins they were trapped in. So we wanted to celebrate it! I'm buying lots of ketchup for all of us!" She cheered. "Actually, Sans, you should come!"

"Oh, uhhh, me? Just me?" Sans felt kind of awkward since Chara was being left out.

"Actually... no. Now that I think about it..." Muffet looked at Chara. "You should also come."

Chara frowned. "What?"

"You know," Her face darkened "I'll never forget that pen you threw at me in primary school on our end of the year dance. I was two years higher than you and you said it was just because you "don't like spiders.""

"pffft, seriously..." Sans mumbled to himself trying not to laugh.

"Uhm. Yeah. And I stand by what I said. Spiers give me the chills. The pen think was a kid's thing though, don't keep a grudge." Muffet twitched. "So yeah, obviously I have no intention of going to your party." She said indifferently before taking her last bite of her burger. "Uhm..." She held her hand in front of her mouth to talk because of her full mouth. "Why would you want me to go anyway? If you already know I don't like spiders."

Muffet clenched her fists. "Well..." She cleared her throat. "I want you to go because you should seriously realize spiders aren't as you think. I know it, it's our society that stereotypes them and makes us think they're something they're not. They're actually-" Chara cut her off.

"Seriously, you can stop with the morality talk. They way they're on the inside doesn't mean that they're not pretty disgusting on the outside, and that's really why I don't want to be close to any of them, so really, drop it."

WOw that was direct Sans thought.

Muffet jerked at what Chara said. "Okay. Fine!" She was really pissed. "Do whatever you want. But I still think that if you see my girls you'll realize none of them is even a millimetre gross! But that's it, I'm gonna go buy ketchup. As awful as you are I still think it could be beneficial for my spiders if you would come so I hope you do. They only one they ever interact with besides themselves is me... So, Sans, you know where it is in case you decide to come. There's free food an all that... Anyway, see you."

"See ya." Sans smiled awkwardly at Muffet.

"Finally." Chara rolled her eyes.

"So I get it you don't want to go then." Sans said sarcastically.


"Hmmm." He looked thoughtful.

"Wait, you're not actually thinking of going to that party, right?"

"Come on... it can't be that bad. I say we go."

"We? You do whatever you want, Sans. I'm not going with you. I don't see the point. And I really really really don't like spiders."

"Okay, hmmm. What could I manipulate you with to come with me?" His face went back to thought.

She frowned. "That's manipulative, Sans."

"I know." He knuckled. "It's manipulating."

She paused in thought, without looking directly at him, or more as if she could see through him. After a moment she asked, "how many chocolate are you willing to get me?"

"Ten bars." He smiled proudly.

She laughed at him. "You really think you're gonna buy me off with just ten bars of chocolate? Oh wow." She kept laughing.

He took a breath. She really was a sight to see when she was happy. "Fine. Thirty."

"Yeah, right." She said ironically.

He rolled his eyes. "Forty four...?"

"Look, I'm not accepting any less than a hundred so STEP. IT UP."

"Jeez... You're crazy."

"Crazy for chocolate." She smiled psychotically.

"Fine then. A hundred bars of chocolate. That's it."

"And a box."

"Box of chocolate? Hundred fifteen bars are more economic..."

"Okay. A hundred twenty it is. Deal?" She held out her hand. A perky smile on her face. "You could still just go without me, you know?"

"Fine. Deal." He shacked her hand. In him mind: I guess it's not that much...right? If each bar's less then a dollar. It doesn't get to a hundred bucks... does it?

They stood up since they'd already finished their food a while ago. They said goodbye to Grillby and began to set off towards Muffet's place. Outside the sky was almost completely dark, the sun was nowhere to be seen. Actually, it never was. They lived under ground...

"Well. You're gonna have to call Toriel and tell her you're with me so she doesn't get worried."

"Yeah... I'm sure she'll feel great when she knows you're with me..." He said sarcastically.

"Oh, yeah, you're right. I guess Muffet will have to do then." They laughed. It still feels weird I'm hanging out with Sans of all people... I mean, who cares, I guess...

"•~•Fake Dating•~•" {Chara x Sans}Where stories live. Discover now