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Hey! If you read what I had written I will be editing each of the chapters and somewhat gonna improve this story since it is one of my best ones I had written! Hopefully, you enjoy it, and please add comments if you have any ideas I can add.


Y/n pov:

I woke up to the noisy sound of my alarm ringing beside my bed. Groaning tiredly I gently pushed it off the surface which had stopped the ringing. ''Honey it's freshmen year wake up!'' My aunt Jane cheered from downstairs. I somehow manage to find myself getting out of the bed already missing the warmness from my blankets and heading downstairs with a yawn. ''Good morning.'' I stretched out my arms only to be engulfed into a hug. ''I'm so excited for you today!! My baby is growing up too fast.'' I laughed and gently pushed her off of me. ''I'm gonna go get ready'' She nodded and went back into the kitchen while I went upstairs to change out of my nightgown.

I came back into my room and walked over to my desk where I had laid my outfit last night before going to bed. I quickly changed out of my nightgown and wore on my outfit which was my old jeans with a white shirt and long of sodapop's flannel going over it. I then went to the bathroom to do what I needed to do and got downstairs where my schoolbag was at the door along with my shoes.

''Are you going to stay for breakfast?'' I shook my head while swinging my school bag over my shoulder while quickly slipping on my shoes. I ran over to my aunt and gave her a kiss goodbye which she gladly gave back to me. Before leaving she shoved a water bottle in my bag for me. ''See ya!'' I said before heading to the Curtis house which was down the street.

I walked inside and greeted everyone before I skipped over to johnny and sat next to him on the couch. ''Ready for freshmen year?'' He asked me with one of his soft smiles. I smiled brightly while excitedly nodding my head which he chuckled. Darry then walked out of the bathroom making me walk over to him and giving him a hug. ''What's this for?'' he laughed as he patted my head. ''Nothing it's just I gave everyone a hug when I came over and I didn't see you'' I smiled.

After helping Darry with breakfast and serving it to those who were already at the table. Dally soon walked in and gave me a quick wave before sitting next to johnny. ''Soda I'm gonna leave without you if you aren't ready for work in the next 5 seconds!'' Steve yelled. I turned my attention to his room that he shared with Ponyboy to see rush Sodapop buttoning his shirt. ''Calm down'' I laughed at him. He playfully rolled his eyes and kissed my cheek before walking out the door with steve.

I watched as everyone ate breakfast when I noticed Ponyboy wasn't at the table. 'I didn't see him this morning' I thought before crossing my arms. ''We better get ready!'' Twobit cheered and grabbed his and johnny's bag before running out. ''Have fun kid.'' Dally patted my shoulder and left to god knows where. I helped Darry quickly clean up the table to which he was thankful. Before heading out I asked, ''I haven't seen Pony these last days of summer where is he?'' He looked at me and sighed. ''He's been hanging out with this girl name Cherry Valance. Apparently he's being well known or popular whatever you kids say these days since he's been hanging out with her.''

I nodded before smiling and waving goodbye. ''I'll see you after school..'' and shut the door behind me before running to catch up with Twobit and Johnny who wasn't that far ahead of me. ''I'll see him at school.''

Word count: 665

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