chapter 12

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dally pov:
as we all ran to the lot a red mustang passed by. bob and his friends looked terrified as they drove passed us but i didn't care. i ran to the lot before anyone can. "JOHNNY! Y/N!" i yelled. "OVER HERE!" johnny yelled. i ran over to his voice. y/n was sat up against the fountain with her legs close to her chest and her head down to her feet was soaked. "your shaking!" i kneeled down to reach her but she flint. "d-dont touch me!" she cried. she gently rocked back and fourth. the whole gang was around us except for cherry and pony who probably stopped and went back home. "you kids alright? we heard a gun shot." two asked. johnny nodded and explained they were gonna drown her to death and a gun fell out of one of the socs pocket so he shot the gun in the air that caused the socs to run off to their car. "where's the gun?" i asked. johnny took it out of his pocket and handed it to me. i shoved the gun in my pocket. "i'll take care of it later" "bring johnny home, i'll stay with y/n.." the three of them brought johnny home. i sat next to y/n and looked at her. "your gonna be sick.." she kept rocking back and fourth. "y/n.." i gently placed my hand on her shoulder. she looked at me. "they tried to drown me.." she sniffled "i know kid." i pulled her into a hug. "i wish i was there" she rested her head on my shoulder. i rubbed her arm. it was complete silence, comfortable silence. "wanna go back home?" i asked. i looked down at her and she was sleeping. "at least she's sleeping.." i picked her up bridal style and walked back to the curtis house. i lightly knocked the door with my foot. steve opened the door and wrapped y/n in a blanket. "she's freezing!" i nodded. i sat down on the couch with y/n still curled up in a ball in my arms. "will she be okay?" johnny asked as he sat down next to me. "i'm sure she will..she's a strong girl with everything that has been happening to her." it was now around 10pm and darry has just gotten home and started dinner, his night shift has been canceled and was free to go home. steve and two went out to the diner to get some girls and soda was sleeping in his room due to having to wake up early tomorrow morning for work. y/n was still sleeping in my arms and johnny was sleeping with his head on my shoulder, boy were these kids tired. cherry and pony have been flirting with each other the entire time laying on the floor together. "dinners ready." darry called. "hey cherry, wanna stay over for dinner?" she happily accepted the offer and once again, sat in y/n seat. "i'm just gonna wait till they wake up" i said. "or just put her down" cherry grinned. i was about to stand up until she said: "oh! i meant put her down as in-" pony nudged her and they both laughed. "get out." i placed y/n down on the couch. "what?" darry crosses his arms and look at pony. "did you just tell me to get out?" cherry seemed slightly offended. "don't make me repeat myself" i mumbled. "why is she leaving? it was obviously a jo-" before pony and finish his sentence darry slammed his hand on the counter causing y/n and johnny to wake up. "cherry is leaving and you are going to apologize to y/n!" darry yelled. johnny and i sat up and looked at cherry and pony. cherry gave me a dirty look before leaving the house. "this is so unfair! why is she even staying here? she has her own home! it's not my fault her parents were abusive and fucked her head up!" pony yelled. everyone was quiet. after seconds he said that he looks at me. "y/n i didn't-" i couldnt even look at him. i got up and left the house without saying a word. how could he say that? what is wrong with me.

word count: 726

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