chapter 19 (johnny ending)

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y/n pov:

it's been a day since i had that conversation with dally and johnny. the whole night i was thinking of visiting ponyboy to see if he was doing okay.

i was walking to the DX hand-in-hand with johnny when a bunch of girls were surrounding sodapop. "i'm not surprised" i laughed. "let's go to the back and visit steve" i nodded and skipped to the back of the station to see steve fixing a red mustang. "isnt that bobs car?" i said. steve banged his head on the roof of the car and looked at me. "whoops didn't mean to scare ya!" i laughed. he groaned and rubbed his head.

"yeah it is and as much as i want to break it more i can't" steve admitted. johnny leaned on me and placed his head on my shoulder. "when do you think soda-" johnny was cut off by a loud slam. all three looked back to see soda out of breath. "those girls are crazy man try tried taking my uniform" soda panted which made all of us laugh. "is ponyboy home or is he at school?" i asked which made johnny stiffen.

"yeah he didn't want to go to school nor do his homework, you can talk to him if you want since y'all haven't talked in a while but i can see the reason" soda said. "don't force yourself to go if your not comfortable" he reassured me. i smiled and looked at johnny. he looked back and forced a smile. "don't force your smiles bubs i know you don't really want me to go but it's just a little chat, you can wait in the living room" i smiled.

he nodded before walking over to soda. "update us when your done alright?" steve said while grabbing his tool box. "yeah yeah you small brain obviously i'm gonna tell you everything" i playfully rolled my eyes and slapped the back of his head. "your lucky were in public i would've thrown you out" steve laughed. "idiot!" i felt a hand tug mine. i looked to see johnny motioning to go. i nodded and hugged both steve and soda. "cyaa!" i smiled brightly which they returned.

as johnny and i walked hand-in-hand i looked over at him who had his head down. "i know you don't like the idea of me talking to ponyboy after everything he put me through and said but i promise it'll be 5 minutes." i stopped and held my pinky up. "i promise" i smiled. he smiled back and latched our pinky's together. "i'll be counting" he teased. "you better"

i pushed the gate and walked in the curtis brothers house to see two bit and dally drinking beers and playing cards. "is ponyboy home?" dally motioned his head to his room that he shared with sodapop. "he's in there being a depress little shit" two said while placing a card down which made dally practically growl like an animal. "he's a little bit-"
"OKAY IM GONNA GO SEE HIM..." i cut dally off before he went any further. "go watch them play itll only be a few minutes" johnny nodded and let go of my hand.

i walked towards ponyboys room. i exhaled slowly and knocked. "leave me alone" pony grumbled. "it's me, y/n jones" i said quietly before hearing rushed footsteps and soon enough i was face with a sad but happy ponyboy standing in front of me. "y-y/n.. i didnt know it was you i'm sorry" he apologized. i shrugged him and and walked in his room. i sat on his bed and watched as he walked over and sat next to me.

"what are you doing here?" pony questioned as he fidgeted with his sleeves. "i heard about you and cherry and i'm sorry but she told me everything and suggested i talk to you" pony sighed and laid back on his bed. "i knew that would happen.." he mumbled and dragged his hands brown his face. "listen pony.." he sat up and looked at me. "i understand you have feelings for me and all but you left me.." i took a deep breath before continuing.

"but everything you said and out me through even though we were suppose to be best friends but it was as if you wanted me to know how to live without you and here i am being perfectly fine now and happily in a relationship with johnny.." pony eyes widened and looked at me in disbelief, "as in our johnnycakes?" i slowly nodded. "i hope you find someone else that will make you just as happy as i do when we use to be close but i hope we can continue being friends and become close again"

i finished what i had to let out and looked at him who had a sad smile. he brought my into a hug and rubbed my back. "thank you for being honest.. i'm so sorry for putting you through everything and i can't even imagine how hard it was on you" he sniffled and pulled away, laughing as he wiped his teary eyes. "i'm really happy for you and johnny" he admitted. i smiled before kissing his cheek, "thank you" i stood up before leaving the room.

i know he's hurting but yet he's trying to hide it for my happiness and i appreciate it so much of it, that's how a good person he is, a good friend, a best friend.

"i'm back" i skipped over to johnny and sat next to him on the couch. he looked at me and smiled, "everything went good?" he made sure which made me laugh. "of course it did" i wrapped my arm around his and leaned my head over his shoulder. "your the one i want" i hummed and kissed his cheek. "i love you johnnycakes" he looked at me and smiled, "i love you more y/n"

word count: 1033


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