chapter 14

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y/n pov:
it's been a week and i've been homeschooled. i haven't talked to anyone in the gang but i wasn't gonna go back there after what ponyboy said. it was the weekends so i had a break of being homeschooled. i've been better ever since! auntie jane have been happy seeing me improve myself, mentally and physically. the gang had tried calling but i would tell my aunt to say i'm not here. i would see ponyboy stop in front of my house and try looking inside my room. he stopped tho.

i was in the middle of working out when i heard a knock on my window. i jumped and looked at my window. "dally? johnny?" i ran to my window to open it. "hey kid" dally ruffled my hair. "johnnycakes! dally!" i brought them into a hug. "why'd you come?" i pulled away from them. "oh i don't know maybe because we missed you?" dally sighed dramatically. "is the famous dallas winston getting soft?" i teased, "shut your trap..." he mumbled.

"so how's everyone in the gang? hopefully doing well." i asked as i sat down on my bed. johnny exhaled sharply, "sodapop has been missing you around like crazy and so is everyone else but overall fine by distracting themselves by doing the usual" i sadly smiled and fiddled with my fingers. "what about ponyboy?" dally scoffed with a "tch" and crossed his arms. "that horse headed boy have been out with cherry and doesn't seem bothered" dally said. i let out a laugh and smile. "i don't really care anymore tho..i'm doing better since the incident!"

that was a lie. you missed ponyboy curtis so much. you wanted to know if deep down if he still thought about you or did he stop when he stopped showing up to the front of your house and stare at your window. you kissed his laugh, hugs, and teasing cheek kisses he use to give you when you were young. you miss the scent of him when he would give you his clothes. you miss so many things about him that the list would be endless.

you didn't realize you were crying when johnny wiped your tears from your cheek. "it's okay y/n, i'm sure he still thinks bout you and regrets what he said." dally made a "tch" sound again before lighting up a cigarette. "if he did he would've at least wrote something for her and mail it but he didn't have the balls to do anything but be a worthless kid trying to be well known by dating cherry valance and basically stole her from me when i flirted with her!" dally ranted.

dally kept on ranting and throwing his hands everywhere in the air complaining about ponyboy. johnny sat next to me and wrapping an arm around my waist holding me close to his chest. i rested my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. my cries turned into sobs and my sobs turned into sniffles and into shaken breaths. i buried my face into his chest.

oh how you missed him..

word count: 526

𝐵𝑎𝑏𝑦 𝐼𝑡'𝑠 3 𝐴𝑚. ponyboy curtis Where stories live. Discover now