chapter 15

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y/n pov:
ever since that day johnny and i have been getting closer and hanging out more often. he got me to go outside more often and we basically do everything together. ever since that i haven't been thinking of ponyboy once. i'd see pony and cherry together here and there but i'd shrug it off. i've been also hanging out with steve and soda at the DX again. dally and two bit have been cheering me up again a lot. darry loves seeing me since we never got to see each other much cause of school and work.

i was walking myself home from hanging out with two bit at the bar playing 8 ball when johnny ran to my side. "hey johnnycakes!" i smiled brightly at him. a hint of pink appeared on his cheeks which i always found adorable. "how was school?" i asked. he shrugged, "the same just homework and girls on their boyfriend tonging them down" i laughed at what he said. "that's gross! i'm glad i'm being homeschooled." i exhaled slowly before inhaling again. "wouldyouliketogoonadatewithme" johnny said quickly. i stopped walking and looked at him disbelief. "a date?" johnny nodded. "of course johnny!"

he looked up from the ground to my face with a shock look. "what's wrong?" i tilted my head with a raise brow. "you just agree to go on a date.. with me" i laughed at this shock expression. "your cute when your shocked" his face turned red and stared at somewhere else, "and embarrassed" i giggled before skipping to my house. "w-wait up!" johnny ran next to me. "wanna come over? we can watch a movie or something.. maybe cook or bake something?" i grabbed my keys from my pocket. "i'd like- uh love that a lot actually.."

i walked inside with johnny behind me. "so what do you wanna do first? it's still early and i kinda wanna watch a movie when it's dark outside" he looked at the time to see its 6pm. "maybe we can make dinner and leave some for your aunt" johnny suggested. "that's a great idea since my aunt isn't home at the moment but do we both know how to cook?" johnny shrugged. "i'm sure every household has a cooking book that they follow or used to" johnny walked in the kitchen. he looked through my cabinets. "look, i found it"

johnny and i were looking through the recipes when suddenly a knock was heard from the door. johnny and i looked at each other before i walked over to the door. "is it your aunt?" johnny asked me. i turned around and shook my head 'no' "why would she knock when this is her house?" johnny shrugged. "probably forgot her keys?" i looked at the key tray and saw there was only my keys. "she has them" i answered him before opening the door to see someone i didn't expect to see at all.

"why are you here.. just why.."

word count: 500


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