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Y/n pov:

Dally and I were alone in the house and we were watching Mickey Mouse when I started to feel a little tired. Dally seemed to notice and grabbed a blanket that was at the end of the couch and placed it on me. "can I sleep on you?" I said in a whisper tone. "Fine.." He said, scooting over to make space for me to lay on the couch. I smiled and placed my head on his lap and my feet at the end of the couch.

It didn't take me to long to fall asleep since today was exhausting. People laughing at me, whispering behind my back and even staring at me like i was a zombie. I was so deep in my thoughts that I have fallen asleep with my head on Dally's lap.

Johnny pov:

Twobit and I carefully climbed to her window and noticed that she wasn't in her room which means she isn't in her house. "What about the Curtis house?" I suggested. Twobit nodded and helped me climb down.

A few Socs were calling us names but that didn't bother us since Twobit flipped them off. We saw Darry's car was parked meaning he was home. When we walked in, Dally was watching tv while Darry was making dinner and Y/n sleeping on Dally's lap.

"Don't wake her up, she told me everything" Dally said. "About school?" I was about to ask until Dally cut me off. "And Pony kissing Cherry, that's why she ran off now- Twobit don't wake her up" Dally glared. "Would never wake up the angel." He smiled and went to grab some cake.

I sat on the floor in front of Y/n and I couldn't help but look at her. "She truly is an angel" I whispered and Dally just nodded before closing his eyes and falling asleep with one arm around Y/n shoulders. I smiled at the two and went to the kitchen to help darry with dinner.

An hour had passed when Soda and Steve barges in the house, causing Dally to wake up. "Shut up will you? The girl is tryna sleep!" He pointed at Y/n. Steve and Soda apologized before going to arm wrestle at the table.

"Help me set up the table, Johnny?" Darry asked politely. I nodded and grabbed eight plates and sixteen utensils before placing them on the table. Soon, Pony came back home and all eyes were on him.

"Did I do something?" He asked cluelessly. "Hell you did" Steve mumbled. Pony looked over to see Dally who has fallen back asleep and Y/n who was still asleep. "Come here, Ponyboy" Darry pointed at his room "I'll talk with him" Darry said before shutting the door behind him.

Y/n pov:

I woke up to the sound of people talking and laughing. I rubbed my eyes and looked around to see the whole gang eating. I slowly sat up and let out a yawn while stretching. "Morning sleepy head, mashed potatoes and steak on the stove" I nodded and walked over to the stove while grabbing a place. After getting my dinner, I just sat at the table next to johnny and soda. I didn't even bother looking at Ponyboy but I knew he was looking at me.

I leaned my head on Soda's shoulder and just closed my eyes. "You okay?" He whispered. I simply nodded but to be honest, I wasn't. "Hey, who wants to go to bucks? he's having a party" Steve and Twobit agreed to go while Darry went to bed since he had work the next day and Soda just went to go shower.

I was on the couch with Johnny practically cuddling against him. "Can I stay at the lot with you?" I mumbled against his neck. He nodded and just pulled the blanket over my shoulders.

"What's going on between y'all?" Pony asked as he walked in the living room. "None of your business" I snapped at him. "Why are you acting like a brat?" I looked up and stared at him. "A brat?" I laughed, sitting up and crossing my arms. "how am I a brat when you were shoving your tongue down a brats throat?" He was taken back with the sudden attitude I threw at him.

"I can explain" He began. "Shut up Ponyboy Curtis!" I raised my voice. I stood up now and stood in front of him. "Let's just go to the lot, Y/n." Johnny said but I ignored him. "How come all of a sudden your hanging out with socs? How come everybody has been looking at me with disgust and laughing behind my back? They were all looking at me when you walked passed me!" Johnny grabbed my hand and gaved me a look that ive never seen before.

I looked over at Ponyboy who had a soft expression on his face but I shrugged it off. I walked Johnny and I to the lot and we both sat down on the couch watching the stars. "I hate everything.." He looked down at me and ran his hand through my hair. "One day we'll get out of here, together" I smiled.

"Together" i repeated before falling asleep.

word count: 883

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