chapter 11

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y/n pov:
i woke up in warm arms and the sun beaming through the window. "johnny?" he moved a little. "can we have a day three weekend? it's friday and tomorrow is saturday we don't gotta go to school.." i yawned. he hummed in response before going back to sleep. "i'll take that as a yes" i giggled and went to bed since it was only 7:40 am.

dally pov:
after walking back to the curtis house from being 'jumped' more like an argument to me, i slept over at their house with twobit ass drunk self on the floor and steve passed out on the couch and myself sleeping on a kitchen chair with my feet on the table. i woke up to screaming and talking. i woke up and darry was yelling at soda to wear some pants. i groaned as i got up to use the bathroom. "who's in the damn bathroom?" i knocked on the door. "pony" darry said. "hurry up your almost late for school!" pony rushes out of them bathroom and grabbed his bag. "cya!" he yelled and ran out the door to hold cherrys hand. i rolled my eyes and walked in the bathroom. i stared myself in the mirror before splashing my face with cold water and brushing my teeth. i combed my hair with my fingers and walked out. "i'm gonna go to bucks and maybe check on the kiddos later" darry nodded before going to his room to get ready. i headed out the door and walked to bucks. i got stares from people, mostly girls who were socs. i shrugged and walked inside. i grabbed a few cans of beer and a new pack of cigarettes before walking to my room. i opened the window and cracked a can of beer before taking a huge chug of it. i placed the cigarette between my lips and lit it up. a few hours later i somewhat manage to sober myself up to check on the young ones. i checked the clock; 2:30 pm it read. i got up and started walking to y/n aunts house. i snuck myself to the backyard and climbed to her window. they aren't there. "either the lot or the curtis house" i mumbled. i jumped down and headed my way there. i opened the rusty gate and shut it behind me. i walked inside and a few people were there either watching tv, arm resting and reading. i sat on the couch with my arms crossed. "where's darry?" i asked. "he got a night shift" soda grunted between his teeth as he tried to push steve arm down. i nodded before hearing giggles from pony's room. "is that cherry?" two nodded, sighing. i rolled my eyes and stood up. "where are the other kids?" steve slammed soda hand down the table before answering. "at the lot for a walk" i nodded and walked for the door. as soon as i placed my hand on the doorknob a gun shot was fired. everyone looked up from what they were doing and all looked at me. cherry and pony walked out of the room to check what it was. "Y/N!" we heard a voice that sounded like johnny.

word count: 549

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