Before The Storm...

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You never know who is going to betray you, who has a face different than the one you see and who is your real enemy... And... You never know what is coming next!

~some minutes later, some kilometers from Diamond Heart Pack's territory, forest~

Cleo's pov

I stop the car on the side of the road and open the window sighing heavily.

I left from the hotel Kevin is staying some time ago and all this time was enough for me to think of the perfect plan and take serious decisions!

I am going to be honest, I am in pain I have to leave like this and so suddenly, I don't want to leave my parents and friends but I have no other choice! I have to go because I don't want them to know about Thor and me! I tried to be patient, I had hopes that the bastard would be logical enough to ignore me after he said he doesn't want me as his mate but...

He has lost his mind for good and it is my duty to stop everything before things get out of control!

From last night I am a mess, from the moment I took the decision to follow Kevin in two days my heart is aching for who I am going to leave behind and how hurt my parents are going to be but...

I prefer them to be in pain because I am leaving than because of this whole thing with Thor!

I am not afraid of him, this is the truth and maybe I am sounding crazy but I am not!

Thor can do nothing to me, trust me... It is not a coincidence I was one of the three best students in my college and the King suggested me in person to go and join his army. I haven't shown Thor what I can do and who I can be and one thing is for sure...

He surely doesn't want to touch me again because then he is going to be the only one that bleeds and I mean it!

Anyway, what matters me now is that I have made my plan and I am ready to put it in action! I am going to play dirty but I don't feel bad about it because that jerk decided to start it and he is playing in the dirtiest way there is so...

Let the game begin but one thing is for sure!

I will bring him to the forefront and there is one person that needs to know about it because he has to 'accept' me officially or to say it better, I am accepting his offer and this someone is...

The King!

Yeap, I need to talk to him in person and I feel quite nervous because it is too early and it will be too sudden for him but he gave me the mettle to do so! You see, when I met him some weeks ago I talked to him in private, we were alone, it was a nice discussion, I felt great with him and he was very friendly so I am not so scared. He had told me to call him any time, he gave me his number and probably this is what I am doing now, I am calling him too early in the morning!

"Finally! Just call him Cleo, the sooner we talk to him, the better!" Clea says in impatience and I nod taking my phone from the passenger's seat.

It's time, she is right and I am the hell ready although it is killing me already the possibility of not meeting the white wolf again!

I turn on my phone and exhale heavily as the screen gets filled from Thor's notifications. Mmm... Messages, calls and I don't give a damn shit so I just ignore them all and go to my contacts.

Alright, King David... Here we are!

My fingers are shaking, my skin is shuddering, I think my heart is hurting me right now but I am ready, more than ever! I am leaving, this is final!

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