Creek Vs Style

179 3 11

[verse 1]

Craig:He babe look at this these on again off again fake friends think they can take us as the cutest couple in all of South Park

Tweek: That sounds smart, Like they can match us, Your my ride or die I'll be damned if you two of a whole three stooges can match our relationship that's sounds like a bunch of shit

[Verse 1]

Stan:Hey super best friend take my hands so we can end this fake relationship by the snap of a hand

Kyle:Were the real deal the first gay ship, 20 years and going strong were the OG you can't compete to him or me

[Verse 2]

Craig:All talk no but have Kyle ever called you in the middled if the night or I broke into your room just to show you what's on the news?

Tweek:Were Canon each other best man and highly approved why not just one but both South Park creator and the entire crew

[Verse 2]

Stan:You may have fan girls and an approved by the creators, But were the ultimate favorite with very little haters

Kyle:Were the shit we basically invented best friends falling in love and you two basically invented falling for fan service

[Verse 3]

Craig: we may be fan service but remember the fans wanted us not you

Tweek: and not to add salt to injury but if I'm remembering clearly didn't Matt and Trey said they prefer Kyman back in like what season 16?

[Verse 3]

Stan:Were still number 1, Most iconic get to our level we make this and we changed it

Kyle: weather we were fighting, crying, arguing,disagreeing we always came to together and still going strong

[Verse 4]

Tweek:You may be cute, But we're the real icons, first official gay couple and still together, Why you two seem to hater each other show after show

Craig:So slow your roll and take several seats, The Japanese don't lie were the OTP for life so in the words of Japan

(Fuck you)

[Verse 4]

Stan:Japan may be a fan but our duo never ends, Best friends with a beautiful relationships while your a caretaker and your the dependent

Kyle:Bye bitches and take a a lesson with a mutual relationship, not having someone have to listen to your whine and cry's and grow up a pair like the big guys

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