Butters Scotch VS Wendy Testaburger

190 1 1

[Verse 1]

Butters:Hello fellas, I know I may look harmless and friendly but I was smash your flat ass through glass

Butters:You want like me when I'm angery, You whining little baby

Butters:When I'm done kicking your ass you'll wish you could regenerate like Kenny

[Verse 1]

Wendy:I'll snap you like a Butterfingers, While your getting a wedgie from a fat tub of shit and changing the game since 1997

Wendy:I'm the cute with a the coolest best friends, When your friends once left you for dead

[Verse 2]

Butters:They may have left me for dead but still better than your bland, boring friends

Butters:I go on amazing adventures, The fun never

Butters: By 2003 people couldn't Stan you, Your so irrelevant I've people talk about Pip more than you!

[Verse 2]

Wendy: Don't bring that British bitch into this, Your so flamboyant you make James Charles looked like a perfect girls wish

Wendy:You sucked Cartman dick and even let Bradley take a hit

Wendy: Probably runs in the family just watch season 5 episode 14, You were destin to be a sex toy since your mom was cluckhold

[Verse 3]

Butters: Don't try to slut shame you like a prostitute try to educate teens

Butters: Gregory,Stan, Cartman, Token can all share stories about their inside your mouth and outside your thighs

[Verse 3]

Wendy: Don't bring up my ex's, Your ex's consists of a hooters slut and Canadian cunt

Wendy:With your stupid hair, shrill voice, and prick of friends I assumed people would get bored for your character within 6 minutes

[Verse 4]

Butters:6 minutes isn't that about the same time when you gave of your integrity and started photoshopping your tits?

Butters:Or maybe when your dump Stan only to let him hit again?

Butters:Your character is so inconsistent and narcissistic it makes Brian from Family Guy looked well written and charismatic

[Verse 4]

Wendy:I'm narcissistic? You start a race war and a battle of the sexes

Wendy:You Cartman's fuck doll but even he had more character development than you

Wendy:Your the sidekick and the side bitch of the main psychopathic idiot

[Verse 5]

Butters:Oh the same psychopathic idiot you kissed while still in a relationship?

Butters:Or the one who you tried to convince Heidi to end it with?

Butters:Your a bipolar bitch who was better as a background character and shouldn't have involved beyond that.

[Verse 5]

Wendy: here's a joke that might get a laugh without me you wouldn't of had a chance to shine

Wendy: I will difference background character to get a full line

Wendy: so step behind and watch me shine because I'm a real legend and your just a dorky has been

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