Randy Marsh Vs Sheila Broflovski

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[Verse 1]

Randy:You think your popular? You wannabe social justice warrior?

Randy:All your known for is spreading rumors

Randy: giving misinformation to young kids and sending invitations to meeting about whatever false think you're claiming

[Verse 1]

Sheila:You know it takes big ball to come after when you moved your entire family just to sell the devil's weed

Sheila:You have a beautiful wife and 2 terrific kids yet you get off watch stick figures humping and fucking

Sheila: Your an embarrassment to the entire neighborhood you short dick bitch with an income so low it publicly makes me sick

[Verse 2]

Randy:Sorry to say this Kyle but your is a bitch

Randy:And you looked way better when your mouth was full of a dick

Randy:Your obnoxious and annoying no wonder Gerald can't get hard seeing your face every day it would be like fucking a tub of lard

[Verses 2}

Sheila:How dare you fat shame me which is a huge issue in our country

Sheila: Speaking of Country your a disgrace to the US nation

Sheila: Calling your violet, neurotic outburst as the personality American Patriot

[Verse 3]

Randy:I can't be Violet last time I checked this was America!

Randy:And at least I'm not in the internet starting a viral world war 3 like your husband

Randy:With your obnoxious personality and your narcissistic speech no wonder it take 3 teen Girls to give you any loving

[Verse 3]

Sheila:At least me and my husband has sex but I did need to replace them with an exercising tool

Sheila:At at least my children never been caught vaping at school

Sheila: Your kids better know the rules before they get kicked out of school which is very possible since your daughter apparently like to show her goods

[Verse 4]

Randy: Don't talk about Shelly like that when your own son change in entire body just to make baskets

Randy:When this is over you'll be in a casket!

Randy: I am Lord! so you can hear me roar I'll with your Jewish Tuchus and mu the to mop my floor

Randy: But fortunately when I'm done you'll better then you did before

[Verse 4]

Sheila: Don't you dare try talking down to me! When your head so twisted and an ego so inflated that you made your balls get cancer so you get a blunt

Sheila:Your nuts if you think you can compare to me!

Sheila:You may be Lord but I'm God and I'm telling you what's up

Sheila:That's this battle going to make you end up back where in the hospital screaming "AMERICA!"

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