Tweek Tweak & Craig Tucker Vs Token Black & Clyde Donovan

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[Verse 1]

Craig: Hey babe look at these two look the two rejects of the kid version Howard and Harold McBride

Tweek: Just your typical straight guys that fan girls try so hard to make gay, When in reality your just a has been ship that will eventually fade away

[Verse 1]

Cylde: Look at these two clowns who think they can match to us, Hey Craig how was your last date with Thomas

Token: We may not be cannon but our relationship is strong, Were still fan favorite and going strong

[Verse 2]

Craig:fan favorite your just a copy cut version of us, Of a strong guy and someone he needs to take care of

Tweek: Your plain and vain with zero originality, You make the relationship between Lois and Peter completely nice and healthy

[Verse 2]

Clyde: Were not original? You literally created for fast service and publicity

Token:Your relationship would be history if Matt and Terry didn't do a quick Google search

[Verse 3]

Craig: Talking a lot of shit about Google when your ship basically lives there alone with the other non- canon ships like KennyXCartman's and Bradley X Token

Tweek: Your unbelievably forgettable, so irrelevant, talentless and tasteless that your ever mentioned when me and Craig are the center of attention

[Verse 3]

Clyde: you two are so toxic that's makes me sick, your absolute need to be attached by the hip is really pathetic

Token:Not to mention your relationship started you beating the shit out of each other like absolute maniacs

[Verse 4]

Tweek: Maniacs huh? kinda find it curious how the fact either of even dated a guy

Craig:You need to take serval seat and leave the gay ships to the professionals you wanna be us asshole

[Verse 4]

Clyde: Fuck you jackass, More annoying then when Tweek scream in your ear while you sleep

Token: Don't mess with better were better version of you, more original, less scripted, and more like you

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