Clyde Donovan Vs Eric. Cartman

128 4 2

[Verse 1]

Clyde:Hey Alexa, Can you tell me how many verses it takes to beat this Fat-ass until he face first onto the pavement

Clyde: You've basically paved the way of cynical, narcissistic, bare assholes

Clyde:In any all problems you stumble upon could've been solved if you just acting a normal human being

[Verse 1]

Cartman:What's that's crying I hear int he background, Oh just crybaby Clyde marching his Fat-ass around

Cartman:So stupid and diluted he basically fades in the background

Cartman:Part of "Craig's crew" please Jimmy more interesting than you

[Verse 2]

Clyde: I'm stupid? said the kid you convince the entire fourth grade that their height was their dick size and even then he was 3 inches thin

Clyde:Your an jack- ass who's only talent is shoving burgers up your fat- ass and then using your frienemie to make some quick cash

[Verse 2]

Cartman:Did hear you complaining when you were shoving my burgers down your throat

Cartman:Or when your friends were laughing at all my jokes

Cartman:Face it your a follower a background character who's only expertise is smiling and waving

[Verse 3]

Clyde:I made be a background character but at least I have fans, While most people often want to forget you exist

Clyde:Stan, Kyle, Token, Hell even your own damn cat is more like then you

Clyde:Your an a main character that everyone wants to forget, Hell in most fanfiction your replace by Token or Craig

[Verse 3]

Cartman:At least I'm mention you ugly fat prick, You can go to hundreds of stories and your name could magically not exist.

Cartman:Your a piece of shit and completely useless and unnecessary, Your basically one of Kylie Jenner's purse accessories

[Verse 4]

Clyde: "Useless and unnecessary" Kinda like your entire relationship with Heidi or your the shit show relationship you have with your mom

Clyde: Your about as interesting and entertaining as a YouTube influencer is relatable and not irritating

Clyde:Your like an annoying that they you just want to pop on the head and get it over with

[Verse 4]

Cartman: Please, Your just the sideline to my awesome life, Hanging in the background until I let the light shine on you

Cartman:So take a seat and get comfy because the next time you'll ever shine is when Gregory, Christopher, Pip, and Damien come back alive

Who won!

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