chicken soup and insecurities

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hiya my slightly [or very] crazy readers! how are yall?

let's not discuss the chapter name.

disclaimer - I AM NOT RICK RIORDAN!



Percy P.O.V

Annabeth groaned in the front seat beside me.

With one hand on the wheel, I lightly touched her arm. "You good?"

"Do I look like I'm good, Jackson?" She said. She did not, her forehead was sweating and she was pale as hell.

I rolled my eyes, but I was still concerned, "I told you stay at home, in bed, and I could've brought you chicken soup."

Annabeth was sick. She woke up yesterday morning and puked her guts out. Upon checking, her fever was 102. We went to Will Solace, and he said it was just a bug and it would go away in a few days.

Today, her condition had improved, but only slightly. Annabeth really wanted chicken soup, and I was a horrible cook without mom. So here we were, in the car heading towards the supermarket. I had suggested she stay in our apartment, but she refused.

Annabeth wrinkled her nose. Even sick, she looked so damn cute. "I don't want to be left alone. That would make the mood darker. Anyways, what would I even do?"

I shook my head and held my hand out to her.

Annabeth stared pointedly at my hand, "You're going to get sick too."

I rolled my eyes again and grabbed her hand, "Then you take care of me."

"I will not be doing that."

After reaching the supermarket

Annabeth and I stepped out off the car.

I looked at her, and she looked so cute. Since Annabeth was cold, she was wearing an oversized hoodie, that went down to her mid-thighs, and she was wearing black leggings underneath. Her blonde hair was up in a messy bun, and she looked exhausted, but she's still so beautiful to me.

I walked around the car and took Annabeth's hand, "You ready?"

She appeared to have not heard me, and Annabeth was biting her lip, which she only did when she was nervous. I repeated, "Annabeth?"

"What? Oh yeah. Let's go." Annabeth said. But she wouldn't look at me.

"Seriously. What's wrong? You can tell me anything." I said.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm fine." Annabeth insisted.

"No, you're not." I turned her towards me and she finally met my eyes.

Annabeth's grey eyes were swirling with fear and insecurities. It physically hurt.

"What's wrong, Wise Girl?" I asked, sad.

Annabeth sighed, "I'll explain at home. Right now, can I just hide in this hoodie and pretend I don't exist?"

I was horrified at that thought. Without Annabeth, I would ha

Annabeth finally gave in, "I'm scared I'll lose you."

"Annabeth, you're never gonna lose me. I won't let any monster kill me and-" I tried to say.

She cut me off, "That's not what I meant. I'm scared you'll find someone better than me. Prettier than me. Smarter. One you relate to more."

I was speechless. Annabeth really thought I would leave her? "Annabeth, you're perfect."

Annabeth shook her head, "No, I'm not."

"For me, yes, you are." I said. "You're perfect for me. We've been through everything together. Hell, we fell into Tartarus together. Which other person in this world can relate to that? I would drive anybody crazy, I don't know how you deal with me. And you're so beautiful, I love you. Why would I throw everything we have away for someone else?"

Annabeth smiled, and wrapped her arms around my waist.

I stepped smiled and put my arms around her shoulders.

I pulled back and put my hands on her cheekbones, "Are you okay now?"

"No. I still want chicken soup."

"Seriously? We were having a MOMENT!"


"Oh my god, you're so stupid." I sighed, internally lauging.

"No, you are." She retorted.

"You love me." I stated.

"Really rethinking that at the moment."

"HEY!" I protested.

"Okay, yeah, I love you." She gave in. "Can we get the soup now?"

"Please that's all you think about."

"It's good, okay?"

"Love you too."


pls i don't know what the ending is.

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okay i'm out

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