someone to you

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Hello my slightly [or very] crazy readers! Hindi class is sooooo boring.

Anyway, thanks for the idea percy2jacksons ! I tweaked it a little, but I hope you like it!

This is set after TLO, and Percabeth are dating, and at CHB. This is a song oneshot, so listen to the song while reading please.

Disclaimer - No, I am not Rick Riordan. Or his successor.

Enjoy reading!


3rd Person P.O.V

I don't wanna die or fade away,

I just wanna be someone, I just wanna be someone

"I heard he can't read, or write, or even think about good plans! Why does Annabeth even like him?" Jacey Simons, a daughter of Athena whispered to Sam Carter, a son of Athena, knowing full well Percy could hear.

"I know right?" Sam whispered a little loudly, "He's so stupid, he got a D on Ancient Greek! I have no idea why mother lets Annabeth date that Poseidon scum!"

"I'd just want to die if I was him." Jacey replied. "He went on all those so-called 'cool' adventures, but I'm pretty sure Annabeth always dragged him around. She deserves much better."

Percy started shaking, not out of anger, but out of sadness. He choked the tears back and thought, 'I've fought thousands of monsters, and gone through terrible stuff, what's a little teasing? ' But the teasing was a lot, especially when they said he wasn't worthy of Annabeth.

Unfortunately for Percy, Jacey and Sam, who he was sitting with in the the Ancient Greek class noticed. They came up to his desk and sat on it.

"Oooh, look Sam." Jacey said, condescending, "The 'all-mighty' saviour of Olympus is crying."

Sam laughed cruelly.

"Leave me alone." Percy said, his voice rough.

Sam and Jacey, instead of going away, picking on him even more. Sam said, "Honestly, I don't know what Chiron sees in him. He's not even that special."

"I know!" Jacey said, "That horse is out of his mind to pick this dumb idiot."

This time, Percy let a lone tear slip out of his. eyes. It plopped on his paper, smudging the ink.

Dive and disappear without a trace,
I just wanna be someone,
Well, doesn't everyone?

Percy shut his eyes tightly, he didn't want any more tears to slip out.  "Please, just leave me alone." Normally, Percy would've put the bullies in his place, but he was too tired. Too tired in pretending that he was okay, that he was happy, that he was worthy. He just wanted to be enough for Annabeth, but he knows he never was and never would be.

The bullies ignored his statement. Jacey gossiped, "You know, I heard he got Annabeth trapped in the Labyrinth!"

Sam fake-gasped, "What?! Seriously, why is Annabeth even with him?"

"I don't even know." Jacey said. "He's the reason the war happened. He's the reason so many people died. He could've done so much more, but he didn't and it's all his fault."

Pain prodded at Percy's heart. The painful memories came back. It was because him. Everyone died because of him. If he'd just tried a little harder...

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