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Chapter 6 : WE MEET AGAIN
" Actually that does sounds like Zim " said Gaz. Damn it if he does destroy the town at least I can prove he is an alien. Everything need sacrifice and I sacrifice the properties I don't own to be the victim .

After buying some spare parts and chips for Dab, Zim went straight home. When Zim got home, I saw Gir is watching TV about monkey documentaries . Zim look around the kitchen and the lab where Dab usually is but he isn't there. Where is Dab? " Computer!! Tell Zim. Where is Dab?! " I shouted while looking at the AI for answer. The AI should know where Dab is with their movement detectors.

[ Scanning .... ]

[ I can't find Dab movement's anywhere sir. But this might help. ]

The AI said and show a footage of how Dab walk out of the house... He should be fine on his own right? But he didn't know what is rain!! Or human stuff!! And all those germs from public places!! And what if HE saw him?! Zim must fine Dab!! " Gir guard the house, Computer turn on the defense mode. I'll be back after I find Dab !! " I said. I then quickly where my disguise, bringing my new modified weapon, and antiseptic spray and head to a few locations first. ' Dib if you took my son as a hostage, you are dead to me!! '

While Zim is rushing to several locations of where Dab might be and questioning some human being about Dab. Zim also manage to destroy some property with his invention. Meanwhile at the membrane household. The TV was turned on by Dib as he click to the News channel to only see Zim on the screen questioning some people while destroying properties. ' Did you see my son?! He look like me but smaller?! Wearing blue uniform and yellow tint glasses?! No?! Then suffer my wrath!! ' Zim said on the tv and shot the human with his ray gun that electrified them. But they're still alive though.

" Hey look. Zim is famous " Gaz said sarcastically to Dib. By hearing his mom's name Dab suddenly lit up and keep staring at the TV with amazement " Yay!! Mommy is searching for me!! And will torture you!! Except for the cool lady, " Dan shouted in Joy. Dib only stare at the tiny Irken who is still have their hand stuck on the end of the table and still sitting on the floor. ' Damn, this kid is as loud as Zim!! It's not like they will die if they don't shout at all!! ' Dib thought. ' Slam!! ' Their door was harshly kicked open by Zim.

" Filthy human!! Return Dabourus right now!! Or I will burn this place down and turn it to dust!! " The Irken roared at Dib. He don't really have a problem with Gaz. Since Gaz rarely bothers him. " And why should I- " Dib said but got cut by Dab loud shout " Mom!! Are we going home now?? " The tiny Irken said in joy and can't wait to eat cookies and build his own rocket. As soon as Zim hear his voice. Dib immediately rush to Dab side and break his hand cuff. And help him stand up before spraying antiseptic all over Dab. " Dab!! The germs is all over you!! " Zim said annoyed at why his son is sitting on the filthy floor.

" Mom!! Mom!! I got a few jars of honey from that creepy guy!! " Dab shouted in joy when he remember about the jar of honey. Zim death stare at Dib . " Dab don't take anything from a stranger even if they want you to have it!! Because they're bad guys trying to kidnap you!!" " Okay mom. But can I have the honey? " Dab said. And Zim sigh he know that the human across him still stare at him with disgust.

" So your new hobby is be a slut now?! So who's the father?! " Dib spat while glaring at Zim and Dab. Gaz then said ' tch ' due to how loud they shouted and went to her room to get a peace and quiet. Zim glare at him with hatred. ' This fool- I WANT HIM DEAD!! DEAD!! DEAD!! DEAD!! ' Zim thought. Their incident has scarred Zim for years. Of course he love Dab most importantly he is glad that Dab look nothing like his father. But remembering the incident terrified him and make him turn on defensive mode . His PAK legs quickly appeared like spider legs and aimed to Dib direction. He can pierce Dib at any time. But he know that Dib isn't that dumb to fall on his trap. And he is weak compared to him. " It's none of your business!! The father is long dead in Zim's eyes!! They're not worthy of their title!! " Zim shouted back. Before making Dab hide behind him to make sure that Dab won't get hurt.

" Of course!! What can I expect from a slut like you?! Of course the other guy don't want you!! That why you're taking care of your son alone!! " Dib said . But he didn't realize that those words hurt Zim. Dabourus is their son. Even though Dib didn't know that Dab is his son... He can't tell him. He loath Zim so much that he afraid that if he tell Dib. Dib will kill his precious smeet. And it's painful for him. Painful for him to endure the incident... to be blamed when it's the filthy low life human fault!! And Zim know that Dib won't believe that Dab is his son. After all he look nothing like Dib. Taking care of smeet does exhaust Zim. He don't want Dab to feel rejection from the one he admire so much. That he raise Dab almost like raising a human smeet. He has become soft... and that's what he fear the most. To lose his Irken instinct to kill, to conquer, to destroy. Zim sacrifice every thing for Dab.

He sacrificed his time to take care and educate Dab, when he can just join the rebellion or become space pirates. But he know that is too dangerous for his smeet. He sacrificed his fierceness to take care and give attention and love to his smeet. He sacrificed all of his resources just to make his smeet happy and healthy. Watching his smeet grow up fine and have a wonderful childhood is his pride. Unlike him, a metal arm is the closest thing as a mom to Zim. He didn't get much experience about life. He received all the information he need in his PAK. He immediately got trained to be a soldier when he is a smeet. And mistakes is fatal. They don't care if you're a smeet or not. What is important is are you useful or not? He never expected Dib to accept that Dab is his son. But he manage to frown when Dib said those words.

Zim didn't even want to answer Dib remarks. Zim is not in the mood to talk right now. And immediately carry his confused smeet and rush out and head straight to his base. But the human who is staring at him also end up confused. 'It's odd that Zim frowned'

The next chapter will be published when this chapter get at least 22 votes!!

into @QillianstheLunatic because I have a hobby to change my username every time I feel insecure

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