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" Because a man like that doesn't deserve a grave. He deserve to be ashes only. A pitiful black ash. Forgotten and not needed. "

" Mom... that's harsh. "

" Bring the test subject!! " I shouted excitedly in my chamber. The perfect place to do experiments without mom knowing. Years have I waited for this day to come. I finally come up with a such genius plan. " MUAHAHAHAH!! " I laughed in pride. " HAHAHAH!! " Gir also laughed. Before taking out the test subject. Which I snatched from him. " YASS!! The day has come!! Finally!!" I said and open the jar that filled with yellow orangish sticky goo called Honey.

Now I will know why my fierce, strong, legendary mom hate this thing. Oh, I almost forgot about safety first. Putting down the jar on the table and wear a black gloves similar to the one that mom use but a smaller version one. A perfect fit for my tiny green hand. And began to pour the honey out to a bowl. Using a spoon I try to poke it. The result is weird. Grabbing a pencil I write down on my book ' sticky weird goo. '. Now to test if it's edible for Irken.

I put down my pencil and book and began to grab the spoon to scoop the honey and try it- I-I.. What is this?! This thing actually tastes amazing!! I have never been so in love with a food before. I keep gobbling the honey and in less than 5 minutes I didn't realize that the jar is now empty.

And now I am sad. I think that's what the human called. And now I feel like I want more honey. But mom hate honey... I should sneak up to buy more. Maybe I could ask mom to buy me some spare parts to build something. Is all I can think of before cleaning myself up and went to the living room to see mom was busy on programming the computer or AI to be exact. Gir already left me and go to the kitchen to make taco by now.

Knowing that no one can spoil my plan due to the only one who know is Gir who is in the kitchen right now. I take this opportunity and " Mooooom. I want to build a rocket ship to the moon but I don't have spare parts . " I whined and look at my mom with sad big eyes that I know he can't say no to. Mom stop working and stare at me in confusion. " Why do you want to go to the moon. It's just another rock with nothing in it " " but mooooom I never leave this planet. Don't you want me to be more independent?! " I said. My mom then look at me for few minutes and I know he is considering that idea. Mom then said okay which make me scream with joy. " Thanks mom " " right... while I am gone. Stay at home. Make sure that Gir don't throw pizza nor taco on the couch. Don't. Touch. My. Stuff. It's dangerous and I haven't test it yet " Mom said while staring at me with a very very serious look. The one that said ' I'll be disappointed if you disobey me ' look.

I saluted and said " yes sir. " with a wide smile. And then mom grab his bag where he put many items in it and walk to the new medium size space ship that was bought a few months ago. I waved at my mom and waited until the ship is gone from my sight before quickly go to find a disguise.

" Computer!! Disguise!! " I demanded with pride and demanding voice. Hopefully I sound as fierce as an Irken soldier. Hahah. That's my dream profession.

[ Master Zim will be furious if I lend it to you, young master ]

" don't worry computer I just gonna use it for a while to buy some errands and then be back before mom come back " I said in my most serious voice ever. The AI was silent before sighing and handing me mom's wig and contact lenses . AHA!! I know that no one can resist my charm!!

Only a genius like me can come up with a plan like this. I smirked. Quickly wear the disguise and ran off with a malicious laugh " MUAHAHAHAHA!! " which earn weird stares from human in the street. I always got prisoned in the so called house of mine. Mom said human is sometime a sly and selfish being . Can't be trusted at all.

To be honest I can get lost but with the help of human technology, phone GPS I can get to the nearest supermarket. Which is a long walk for someone who have short legs like me. Now I am regretting why don't I bring Gir with me? At least he can get me to the supermarket faster. But then, no one will guard the house and command the AI to secure it . I sighed when I finally made it to the destination.

But there's a force field that is on my way. Huh is it the same with Irken technology that will electrifying anything that touch it? but then I saw it open when a human try to walk through it. Will it know I am not a human? I then cautiously walk to the force field and it slide open. I smirked and walked inside . To see a large room with many shelves and item. I giggled and went to find honey. And then I saw the most beautiful place I ever see in my life. Shelves and shelves with dozens of honey jars. I then grab one of the jar and hug it " I love you honey " I said . But I suddenly got picked up by a human on the back of my uniform.

" Since when you get so small slut?! " the human said in a very disrespectful tone. That make me angry. And kicking and punching the air to make him let me go but it's useless so I just shouted " Let go of me you creep!! How dare you to offend Dabourus the Great Irken soldier!!". " Dabourus?! Owh please, you can disguise all you want. Just because you're smaller, wearing blue which is odd and.... kinda look like.. a mini Zim. " The human said slowly.

This fool know my mom?! " You better let go of me before my mom know what you did to me!! " I shouted in anger before attacking him with my PAK leg which make him hit the shelf and groaned. But look at me in fear. I smirked . " You're Zim son?! " " Yes you foolish human. I am the son of Zim the Mighty Irken. Feaaaaar me!! " I said in pride.

Next update is after this chapter get at least 21 vote? :') . If you like the plot so far please vote. Because voting means you like the plot and will give me motivation to continue.

While waiting for this story to update you can go check out my other story :D. " They Underestimated Him " it's a slow fall in love ZADR story but I can guarantee Zim is more dangerous in that story than this one. And that one have a planned out 49 chapters. While this one is still a mystery of when will it end.

And if you're not sure about that story is good or not yet. Well, here is the screenshot of the beginning of chapter 1 and the last screenshot is the last part of chapter 8.

 Well, here is the screenshot of the beginning of chapter 1 and the last  screenshot is the last part of chapter 8

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Follow my Instagram ( actually an art account ) : @adi

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Follow my Instagram ( actually an art account ) : @adi.qillens to get an update of when I will publish my chapters.

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