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I changed the cover!! And Dab reference is on the end of the chapter.

Chapter 8 : HE IS YOUR SON
" So you really are the son of that alien freak. Both of you has the same amount of pride that no one could have. " the human said. I was confused. And that was a mistake, I have let my guard down. That I didn't saw the human about to kick my weapon the ground and kick it to the corner of the room behind him. I can't reach it but I know I am not strong enough to beat this guy yet. My training isn't done yet. I gritted my teeth as I panicked to think the best way to escape or just to turn the situation around again. I can't let him win!! Never!!

I smirked making my opponent knitted their brows. Wondering, what can I do without a weapon. " You foolish human!! You're in my base!! So you won't expect the element of the unexpected!! " I pridefully shout and press the big red button making the human trap in a big metal cage.

I always wanted to ask mom why he install a button and a metal cage like that. But it does become useful!! The human even shock, he didn't expect that and grab on the metal bars while shouting " This cage won't keep me inside for too long!! When I get out of here, you'lo be forced to stand on the corner. " " You're not my Dad to tell me what to do!! " I said in anger.

" And you're the one in the cage. Not me. " I said mockingly. And fold my arms on my chest. Who this man think he is ? My Dad?! Pft- Nah.

" Do you really think I didn't come here prepared?! I know this base so well that I can draw the whole structure in a minute. You have underestimated me the son of Zim. " He said maliciously, while glaring at me with this wide evil smirk that villain usually have. So I stare at him in wide eyes. And throw an orange at him. " The name's Dab. "

" ... "

He stare at me in silent. Maybe orange is human weakness. So I throw another orange at him. " stop it. " he said . But I still throw orange at him to see how much orange should I throw at a human until they collapse. He does look annoyed the more orange I throw, the more angry he get.

He then searching something in his black coat and take out a gun like thing. And melt the metal and get out from the cage.

Uh- Oh...

So I quickly run away, completely forgot the function of my PAK legs. But I felt that my foot isn't in the ground anymore. The human got me-

I don't know why but Dab always requesting something now. He is never like this. Zim little smeet always obedient and understanding little Irken. It must be the human tv show that ruin my son good character.

Zim already buy four big jars of honey for Dabourus and went straight back to the base. Zim opened the door. And my eyes turned into blood red after seeing the sight in front of me.


Zim quickly rushed to them and snatch Dab from Dib and quickly put Dab behind me. My PAK metal legs then appeared as I slowly raise from the grown and glaring at the Dib-stink. " Leave Zim alone!! You smelly human!! " Zim shouted while maintaining my defense posture.

" I know you up to no good Zim!! You alien freak!! " Dib said and glare at Zim. Zim push Dab behind.

" Dab go to your chamber. "

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