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Next chapter is about Dab growing up. Only 2 more chapter before this story end guys. Thank you for being loyal to this story 🥺🥺.

" Oh, okay!! Dab will look at Aunt and Grandpa with big sparkly eyes so they will have no choice but to give Dab honey!! " the little Irken said and laugh evilly like a chipmunk.

We are now in the car. Earlier Zim wanted to drive us to the membrane household with his Irken technology. Which I refused. Because I want to keep things as normal as possible. Well, at least until I get my Dad to accept Zim and Dab. And then he can use his Irken technology. But for now, we are in the car. And nope is not gonna drive my car. I am not sure if Zim can drive a car yet. And he look like underage kid. With his height and skin with no wrinkles at all.

On our way to the membrane household, all I can hear is the sound of the busy city, and Dab talking all the time with Zim. The two of them like to talk. Is it an Irken thing? I am not sure.

We finally arrived at my house. I parked my car neatly in front of my house. And help Dab to get of the car. ( Zim and Dab is wearing their disguise. )

We went in to the house. Because I am not a stranger - anyway the first thing I saw is Gaz talking to Tak- wait Tak?!

I immediately point my finger on Tak. " What's Tak doing here? " I shouted. While staring at the alien in disguise beside my sister. I did gained her attention though. But she only glare at me. My sister just sighed, " Dib. Tak is my girlfriend. " Gaz said as if it's very obvious.

" since when you both are dating?!" I mean I never saw they dating. Did Dad know about this? I look at Gaz. And she face palm her face. And stare at me. " You always lock yourself up in your room , never come down to have dinner, and only come out of your room if it's related to your stupid paranormal stuff. And it wouldn't be a surprise if you didn't saw Tak was with me the whole time while you're rushing out shouting about your paranormal evidence. "  Gaz said while glaring at me. Making me feel bad. " Geez, sorry Gaz. " " Yeah, you better be you!! " Tak said while patting my sister back to comfort her.

Wow this is getting awkward...

" Aunty? " my son suddenly spoke.

Dad said we are going to meet his family. And Dad said they all are tall!! So they must be strong and smart. Like my mom!! So I am excited. We are now in the car. Mom wanted us to go to the location with mom's vehicle. But Dad insist that we should just use the car. My Dad put me on this small chair on the passenger seat and help me buckle up. On our way, I can't help but talk to mom.

" Mom!! Is it true that Grandpa and Aunty is tall? " I asked. Mom smiled and look at me. So it's true? " Will I become tall like them too? " I asked excitedly. I really want to become tall. More tall than the tallest !! And also so that I can grab the honey jar from the top cabinet.

" of course Dab. But how tall you will become? Zim is not sure. If you have Dib-stink trait. You might be able to get taller than Zim. But if you get Zim trait at most Dab will only be as tall as Zim. " mom explained. As tall as mom? That's okay though. Mom is cool!!

We finally arrived at the location and Dad help me down. I quickly run behind Dad. The first thing I saw is a cozy living room. And an odd lamp. Oh and there's two human. That don't look that masculine and have long eyelashes. They should be female human right? So they are my aunt? But Dad never said I have more than one aunt.

Dad suddenly shouted and oointed at the purple haired human. And the pink haired human said something about Dad being emo. And I don't know about the rest. Because I spaced out . When I hear silent. I know I can talk now without mom saying that I am rude. " Aunty? " I said cheerfully. Gaining attention from the two strangers. Why do they look at me like I am the most odd thing? Hmm... human is weird.

" Is that Zim- " the purple haired human said. " Of course not, didn't you notice that Zim is standing here?! " mom said. Making the purple haired human look at mom and then me and then mom again.

" Sorry I didn't notice you there since you're too short." The purple haired human said . " Zim is not that short!! Zim is average height and you know that Tak!! " mom angrily said.

" Zim is this your son? Or a failed clone? " The purple haired human asked with a hint of amusement. So I decided to answer the so called human called Tak. " I am Dabourus the Great!! And I am the son of Zim. " I said proudly.

" Dab this is your Aunt, Gaz. The one beside her is an Irken like us, Tak. " mom said while gesturing the two person in front of me. " Owh, okay!! Dad can I have honey? " " Dib- " the pink haired human said.

" I know what you're thinking Gaz. And I want to tell Dad about Zim and Dab today. " Dad said.

The weird atmosphere is really not soothing for me. Is every human household are like this?

All we did in this house is talking. By talking I meant by adult are talking , And mom and dad told me to draw or just watch tv. And it's already two hour before another tall human with my Dad similar hair style came in the only difference is they wear different outfit and their voice . " Son? " the human said while looking at Dad.

" Dad we need to talk. So this is Dab my son. And that's Zim. You know him. He is Dab's mom. So don't kill me. "

" Zim is hermaphrodite? "

" no, no. Dad he is an alien from Irk. " Dad said before pulling mom and my disguise. Making the man shock. " Grandpa? " I asked with my big sparkly eyes. Is grandpa okay?

After the awkward moment, they all are now in the living room to have a talk. Professor membrane finally calm down and promise that he will try his best to accept Zim and Dab. Hearing this, Gaz also take this chance to say that Tak is also an alien. Making the professor in the house speechless. But seeing that his grandson is actually a cute alien he doesn't think to much of it and spoil Dab with honey jar. Making the small bean happy. And Dib to shake his head at Dab. " what about the wedding? " the professor suddenly asked. " Zim and I already talked and we decided to just fill the wedding paperwork. And since there's no wedding in Irken traditions. Zim is not very interested in it. So there won't be a party. " Dib explained. And the alien beside him also joined the conversation. " On Irk we don't do any breeding anymore. Because it's too primitive, time consuming, and holding us back from our mission. So there's no wedding in Irk. "  Zim said.

" Then how did you exist? " the professor asked curiously. " we are made in a lab that have thousands of tube of future Irken soldier. " Tak decided to answer.

" So what will Dab do when he grow up? He isn't going to be an Irken soldier right? " the professor asked worriedly. And Dib can only stare at Zim because he can't just decide Dab future when the one who raise him is Zim. " No. Dab can't be an Irken soldier even if he wanted to. Because Zim is an out cast for the Irken empire. " Zim explained.

" Zim is not sure of how long Dab can survive. Irken don't age. But he is half human. That's what make Zim worried. He can have any profession on Earth and other planet but he can't be related to Irk. " Zim said again. Everyone become silent. They don't mind that Dab stay on earth and have a job. But if he can do so much more, and decided to leave earth. Will they be able to let Dab go?

But what Zim didn't know is. Dab actually heard that sentences...

What will Dab do after hearing their conversation? Btw next chapter is about Dab growing up. Next chapter will be published when this chapter get 26 votes.

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