14. FUTURE 14.

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I could write this sooner but my parents took my phone away. Anyway I don't think I can write anything interesting after this. So this is the last chapter.

Chapter 14 : FUTURE
" Zim is not sure of how long Dab can survive. Irken don't age. But he is half human. That's what make Zim worried. He can have any profession on Earth and other planet but he can't be related to Irk. " Zim said again. Everyone become silent. They don't mind that Dab stay on earth and have a job. But if he can do so much more, and decided to leave earth. Will they be able to let Dab go?

But what Zim didn't know is. Dab actually heard that sentences...

'BAAAM!!' A loud sound of explosion can be heard from the upstairs. As smokes come out of the window. Zim squinted his eyes while staring at the stairs. Before he shouted " Dab!! ". " Sorry mom!! I am working on my prototype!! " Dab shouted from the downstairs while coughing some smokes out of his lungs. Dab squinted his eyes as he stare at his room. ' Ugh... it's so dirty ' he winced before cleaning up all the ashes and spray some antiseptic around his room. After cleaning up, he stare at his failed invention. He supposed to make a gun that can open a portal on a far distance . But it got malfunction.

It's already been 4 years since they all are together as a family. Dab is now taller than Zim. Destroying Zim pride and making Zim as the shortest in the family after Gir and minimoose. Dab also become more busier, Dab didn't want to go to school. He claim that school is useless if you want to travel to another planet. Dab have a great relationship with his grandpa because he spend more time on inventing something.

' the faster I work on this. The faster I can travel the galaxy. ' Dab thought before going downstairs. To meet Dib. " So how's the prototype? " " it exploded. " " I see... " Dib said.

Zim is only beside Dib. And stare at Dab. " Zim don't understand. Why you always isolate yourself in your room just to build something? " Zim asked. Dab can only sigh while massaging his own head. " It's always been my dream to travel the galaxy mom. To go on adventure. "

Zim can only stare at his son. He can't change Dab mind about what he wanted to be in the future and he can only let it go. " Okay. Zim won't stop you. But if you lose a limb while on your adventure you have to go back to Earth. And not doing those adventure again. " Zim said before patting Dab waist because he is too short. Dib can only hold his laugh. And try not to anger Zim.

" The Dib. If you laugh. I gonna make you sleep on the cold floor tonight. "

Zim said making Dib stop.

Dab smiled. He have understanding and caring family. His family can provide what he needs, etc. He is happy that it's finally a happy ever after for him and his family.

In the end Zim and Dib work it out and they become a couple but Zim still don't really like human contact. While Dan is preparing himself to travel the galaxy as an adventurer. And he will meet a few friendly alien. And will travel with them. After a few years Dab will return to Earth to introduce his friends to his family and finally settle down at Earth. To be his Dad lab assistant.

Now I am working on a new story about RAPR. Called " Stuck On Another Planet ". If you want to know when it's published. You can follow me or just comment about it and when it's published I gonna notify y'all!!

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