Believe in the Curious Chapter 5

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Mr. Perry’s House

Mr. Perry (stretches and yarns): I’m so tired, I’m just going to grade these papers tomorrow, I need some rest, I’m going to bed. 

(Hears a voice coming from somewhere in his room)

Mr. Perry (jumps up from his bed): Who’s there? It probably was just someone on the outside.

(He hears a voice again)

Mr. Perry (hops up frowning): Maybe it’s just me, I’m going back to bed or maybe I was dreaming and wasn't aware of it.

(Hears thundering) 

Mr. Perry: I forgot it is a thunderstorm tonight, everything is okay, imma just go back to sleep.

(Hears a voice calling him)


Mr. Perry (jumps up rapidly): Oh my God who the hell is that? Sounds like someone is calling my name, (putting his hands all over his head) don’t tell me I’m hearing voices now.


Mr. Perry (frightened eyes wide): What the hell! I think I’m losing it, my mind is playing tricks on me, I know it is.


Mr. Perry: I don’t know who you are, or if this is a dream, but please leave me in peace, I am trying to get some sleep here, now go away, please.


Mr. Perry (bows his hands): Please God make this entity or spirit, whatever this is disappear.

Demonico, I’m no spirit.

Mr. Perry: Okay that was creepy as hell, who are you?

I’m your guardian from your dreams.

Mr. Perry: My guardian? Who are you really? Are you an intruder?

I’m no intruder, Demonico.

Mr. Perry: God it seems like I'm hearing voices.

No voices, I am very much real. 

Mr. Perry: How do you know my name? I must be dreaming, I have to be dreaming.

No dream Demonico

Mr. Perry (sits up): Then who are you really? Show yourself.

(The guardian appears out of the darkness)

Mr. Perry (eyes wide scared): Oh, Jesus, who the hell are you? Or what the hell are you? You don’t even look real, you look like a devil character from a horror flick, are you going to kill me? 

No, I am not going to hurt you, I’m camio from your dreams, Demonico.

Mr. Perry: Camio? I don’t remember having a dream about you.

Camio (points to Demonico): Think back on a past dream you had when you were a child going through paralyzation. 

Mr. Perry: Think back on what? I don’t remember you.

Camio: you've mentioned that experienced in your class Demonico, I’ve been watching every move you make.

Mr. Perry: Oh God, how are you watching me?

Camio: I’ve been watching you through my telepathic thoughts, I may say, you sure give a lot of good intellectual lectures, some are abstract from my knowledge of being on this earth that I have to look furthermore into, but your lectures are quite an inquiry.

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