Mr. Perry's House Chapter 18

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(Mr. Perry hears a knock on the door)

Mr. Perry: I was just about to take a bath, who could this be this time of night, who is it?

You have a package, sir.

Mr. Perry: I don't get packages this time of night, now go away.

This is a late package, sir.

Mr. Perry (tilting his eyebrows down): A late package? I don't remember making any… Janet? (eyes widen) Is that you?

Janet: Yeah, I am the package, who else could it be Demonico?

Mr. Perry (smiles broadly and hugs Janet tightly): I'm just making sure because I have not seen you in a long time, you could be a cloned woman that looks like the Janet I knew.

Janet: No kidding, it's me.

Mr. Perry: I know, wow, how have you been? You looking good.

Janet (crosses her arms and tilts her head to the side): Thanks, I’m hanging in there.

Mr. Perry: That’s great, how is your marriage going?

Janet (rubs her forehead): Honestly, bad.

Mr. Perry: What?

Janet: Stanley and I divorced 4 months ago.

Mr. Perry: What happened? I thought you two made a lovely couple.

Janet: No, I divorced him, because he drinks so much, when he comes home from work he always drinks, he was a good faithful man, and an excellent husband only when he is sober, but when he drinks, he puts on a mask that is not him, he gets loud, and swears at me.

Mr. Perry: Has he ever put his hands on you?

Janet: No, he would just get loud and irritating, I told him I just couldn't take it anymore, I told him, he had to make a choice, is it going to be me or the drinks? He made his choice. 

Mr. Perry (nods and puts his hand out): A simple guess, the drinks.

Janet: That is his decision, but I told him I cannot come home to a man that drinks his life away.

Mr. Perry: You made the right choice. 

Janet: I had too.

Mr. Perry: Well, I hate that your marriage didn't work out for you Janet, I always thought you two were a perfect couple.


Janet: Well, looks are very deceitful.

Mr. Perry: Yeah, they can be, so how did you find out where I live?

Janet: I looked you up, and I asked some teachers at Kennedy where you were teaching at now and where you stayed.

Mr. Perry: Okay, I’m glad I am getting the chance to see you again, Janet.

Janet: I’m glad too, Demonico, so how is it, teaching at Morgan Park?

Mr. Perry: It has been great for me, I’ve been doing well teaching at Morgan Park for 11 years, the students say I am a lot of fun and they all listen to me, even though they think dreams are a weird thing to teach in a science class.

Janet: Yeah, I will never forget that you are fascinated by dreams.

Mr. Perry (folds his arms): Yeah, ever since I was a kid, but yeah this year has not been good until I found out two of my students has gone missing in my class since last week.

Janet (eyebrows down): What? What happened?

Mr. Perry: The detectives do not know yet, and I found out a third student of mines has been missing as well.

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