Jughead's sides

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Jughead POV

I woke and got ready for my first day of Senior year, I wasn't wearing my beanie which was weird but I wanted to try something different. Then me and my dad headed to Pop's for breakfast. I was excited because today was the day I asked the girl I had a crush on since sixth grade out. The reason why I decided to ask her out until now is because of something that happened last night.


I was home and Reggie came by. We were playing video games and eating pop's, until he said....

(R= Reggie, J= Jughead)

R: So you finally asking Blondie out this year

J:What do you mean?

R: Oh come on, Jones you know who am talking about

J: I really don't

Of course I knew who he was referring to, it was Betty, my best friends sister, who else would he mean by "finally" and "blondie", but I played dumb until he said her name

R: Your so fucking stupid, are you going to ask Betty, Betty Andrews out this year?

J: Oh, I don't know man, if she says no it will be so awkward between us.

R: Is it that?, or the fact that you promised Archie that you would never date, touch, or full around with his sister when we were twelve

He was right, that was part of the reason, but also me and Betty are good friends. She was with me when my mom and sister left, when my dad started drinking. I mean if it weren't for her, my dad would have never become sober. I mean she told her dad about mine and Mr. Andrews helped my dad and now he is the sheriff and has been sober for almost six years. All thanks to Betty. But also I knew Archie wouldn't approve of it he always has been really overprotective over her. I mean I knew she liked me back. I heard her talk with Veronica about it. When I was at her house, I wasn't ease dropping I heard my name and stopped and listened for a bit, on the way to the bathroom.

My thoughts were interrupted by Reggie speaking.

R: If you finally ask her out this year, I will tell Archie about what happened between me and Veronica last summer.

J: How does that benefit me? You are literally going to ruin my best friends relationship

R: But he will know the truth and,aren't you the one who said "The truth hurts for a little, but a lie hurts forever".

J: I have never said that, but I guess it's a deal

R: Really?

I nodded

J: But if you don't do your part of the deal I, will tell Archie about you and ronnie

We shook hands and kept on playing.

*End of flashback*

I got to school and headed to the student lounge, I saw moose mason we talked for a while, and then Reggie and Archie came by and I greeted them, Reggie quietly whispered to me

R: She's by her locker

I quickly knew who he was talking about, so I walked out and went down the hall.

And there she was, the girl I been in love with since sixth grade. She looked beautiful as always, her hair was down, which was strange because she always wore her flawless ponytail, but either way she looked amazing. She was by her locker like Reggie said, putting her books away. I approached her and all I could think to say was

J: Hi

She turned around and saw me, she quickly had a smile on her face, the best of them all. I looked at her lovely eye's I could get lost in them forever. I was nervous so I just said whatever came to my mind. We had a really quick greeting and than we started walking. I asked her out on A DATE!! And she said yes. I told her when and where. She seemed really excited.
B: Its a date
I was so happy. I said goodbye and just as I was about to leave I kissed her soft cheek.

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