Far more than just a hook up

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Betty’s POV

It’s been two weeks since Archie and V got back together and we haven’t told Archie were dating yet. Today Jughead’s throwing a party since his dad and my dad are on a camping trip and Toni and Kevin convinced him to throw it. Kevin, Ronnie and me were getting ready at my house, we were going to walk over there. After getting ready we headed to the party. When we got there, their was a lot teens dancing and V joined Archie and the others. I went to get a drink, with Kevin. We kept on talking. Until Cheryl grabbed everyone’s attention, “Alright losers is time for some hell raising, we're going to play a little game of secrets and sins” she said, we all headed to the living room and formed a circle around the middle where Cheryl was standing. “I will start the game with, Josie Macoy” she said, “Classic Cheryl Blossom” Josie responded. “We all know Archie cheated on Veronica with Josie, but turns out Josie likes to sleep around because guess what, she is now having a “fling” with Sweet pea” she said, everyone gasped. Archie and Jug were standing next to each other. And I was sitting next to Kevin, and Veronica. After everyone calmed down about what Cheryl said, Chuck Clayton started talking. “So I have probably the biggest and best secret here. And guess who it’s about Riverdale’s very own golden girl, Betty Andrews'' he said with an evil smirk on his face, making me freeze in fear of what he was going to say. “Leave her alone Chuck” Jughead said. “Oh you'd love that wouldn’t you? Since you play a major role in this secret” he laughed. At that moment the only thing in my mind was, he knows. “Chuck, please don't,” I said, tears running down my cheeks. “Aw am sorry, does little Andrews need a minute?” he said. “What is he talking about, guys?” Archie asked, looking at Jughead while he just looked at me. “Oh Andrews" Chuck said referring to Archie "You clearly need glasses, because you're care just to blind to see what’s been happening behind your back, you see your slut of a sister has been hooking up with your pen pal here, right Jones?" the room was in complete silence. I looked at Archie who was in shock. “You know I didn’t know you slept with your brother’s friends, because I was friends with your brother once, yet I never got my turn, I bet your good, in bed Betty, I wouldn’t mind having a dirty night with you and am sure you wouldn't either" Chuck said looking at me. At that moment Jug snapped, and punched him in the lower stomach. “She is not a slut Clayton, and don’t even think about coming close to her because she’s mine you got that asshole?'' Jughead said while punching him, they started punching each other, until Reggie and Archie broke them apart. Archie still seemed to be in shock, I ran out of the house as Archie and Jug followed me. When I got home I quickly went to my room and shut my door. 

Archie’s  POV

Betty ran out, so me and Jughead followed her quickly. While Veronica and Moose kicked everyone out of the party. She quickly went inside our house. Me and Jug went along,  “Guys? What happened to Betty? She ran to her room and shut the door. She was crying” my mom said as we went through the door. I ignored her, while Jughead gave me a nod and he stayed behind. I ran upstairs and knocked on Betty's door. “Please leave me alone” she cried. “Betty, please let me come inside,” I said. She didn’t respond, so I said please again still nothing. “Betty I am not angry, I promise” I said, still not even a peep. “Fine I will wait outside this damn door, until you decide to let me in” I said sitting down. About ten minutes later Jughead came upstairs. His cuts from punching Chuck earlier were patched up and clean. I figure my mom did it. He looked at me confused. “She won’t let me in,” I said. “Here, I will try,” he said. I moved a little so he could knock. “Betts! Let me in” he said while knocking. “Jug?” I heard Betty say. God, how did he do that. “Yeah Babygirl, it’s me” he replied. She unlocked the door and opened the door, wearing one of Jughead's iconic “S” shirts. I got up from the floor and right next to Jughead. “I thought you left,” she said to me. "I said I would wait here, didn't I?” I replied. She just nodded and walked back to her bed and hugged a small stuff dog, that I believe was in fact Jugheads. Jughead looked at me,“Go on, go comfort her” he whispered. I knew he really wanted to, he always cared a lot for Betty, but I didn't know it was in this way. I walked over to her bed and sat down in front of her, I put my hand on top of her shoulder and she looked at me with tears in her eyes. “I swear i'm not mad, Betty. Okay? I am a little upset over the fact that you guys didn’t tell me” I said, “I’m sorry Arch, it’s  just that I didn’t want to lose you, or Juggie” She said in between sniffles, “You could never lose me, I love you, your my little sister and I want you to be happy, I just didn’t expect you to be happy with my best friend, I do have one question though, is this like Chuck said are you guys just hooking up, or is it something more serious?” I asked, just then Jughead walked over to us and sat next to Betty putting his arm around her, “I love your sister Arch, our relationship is far more than just a hookup” he said with a smile. Wow, I thought to myself, they love each other “Okay then, you guys do what makes you happy, as long as you don’t hurt her” I said. “So you're okay with this” Betty asked. “Yeah just don’t be so copley around me” I said with a chuckle. They both laughed. “Thanks Arch, sorry for not telling you sooner” Jughead said, Betty agreed. “Well hey it's okay and you will have plenty of time to explain later, come on, bring it in” I said. Betty was the first one to hug me and then Jughead joined. “I love you both” She said while kissing my cheek and pecking Jughead on the lips. “Yeah it’s definitely going to take some time to get used to,” I said. They both laughed. I was happy for them. They seem so happy.

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