Break up

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Jughead POV

Betty seemed excited about telling Archie. After calling her mom she left. I told my dad about the diner and he agreed, of course. This was normal, we would go over to dinner all the time, just that this one time it might be a little different. I didn’t know how Archie was going to react, I mean when me and Betty first started dating I was not that scared on telling him later on. Archie has always been protective over Betty, but either way he still is a chill dude, who doesn't like drama. But if I am being honest he has changed a little since Veronica and him broke up. They’re break up was bad and for a guy who doesn't like drama, it certainly was dramatic.


(Jughead is going to narrate) 

It was around seven o'clock at night. Reggie had told Archie, about how  Ronnie and him hooked up last summer while Archie and Veronica were on a break. Archie said he had nothing to worry about, and it was okay because they were on a break, but it did hurt him a little knowing, that out of all people it was Reggie who she hooked up with. Either way he went on with the day. Anyways I was at my house getting ready for a party at Cheryl's.  When I got a text from Arch saying that he was going to go straight to the party after helping his dad out, at work, so he asked me if I could give Betty a ride to the party because he wouldn't be able to pick her up, and  since she wasn't going to drive because she would probably get drunk or tipsy tonight she needed a ride.  I gladly accepted. And walked to her house and knocked on the door

J: Hi my love, are you ready to leave?

B: Indeed I am
She kissed me softly.

B: Not that I mind but I thought Archie was going to pick me up.

J: Your dad needed a little extra help, and he said he couldn't come pick you so he asked me.

She nodded and we walked to my drive way and got inside the truck.
When we got their Veronica and Kevin were dancing and so was Toni, and Cheryl. Betty joined them as I walked over to Moose and Reggie until Archie got here. When he did we all just danced. Everyone was drinking except me since I was driving. Half way through the party Veronica had to go home. When she left Archie went somewhere else while the rest just kept on talking. Few minutes later Kevin noticed Archie going upstairs with a girl. He motioned me and Cheryl to look at where he has going, so we decided to go upstairs and see what Archie was going to do. While the rest of the group kept on dancing either way they were to drunk to realize that we left. The three of us went upstairs and saw Archie and the girl walk inside a room closing the door. We approached the door and Cheryl opened the door a little to see Archie and Josie Macoy making out, with a lack of clothing. Cheryl took a picture and sent it to everyone in  school. Why? Well she is after all Cheryl "Bombshell", so. She knew that it would be tomorrow's main conversion. I took Betty to mine and with that we fell asleep.

 -Next day-

    As Veronica woke up she noticed the thousand messages that were blowing up her phone. Once she opened the first chat which read the very own Cheryl Blossom, a tear fell through her cheek as she opened the chat.  Their was a picture of Archie the boy that stole her heart making out with her fellow vixen, Josie. Yet the most unknown thing about this is why Archie decided to do that. Was it about what happened with Reggie? She asked herself.  At that moment she thought to herself "I guess he lied, he didn't love me". She got up for school and got ready, She grabbed breakfast and headed to school. As soon, as she entered Betty, ran to her and hugged her along with Kevin, Toni, Cheryl, Reggie and me.(All these dudes are hung over, drinking Gatorade) She said she was going to talk to him. I told her he was in the hall by his locker.

 When Archie woke up he saw the girl next to him, knowing what he had done, and quickly regretted it, how could he do this to Ronnie? More importantly, why did he do this? He asked himself. He put his clothes back on and headed home, he sneaked through the window of his room, and officially got ready. He didn’t bother checking his phone all morning. He got to school and everybody was whispering, yet he didn’t really question why. He did wonder about where his sister was, since he didn't see his sister this morning when he left his house. He imagined she left early in her car, that she recently fixed. Anyways he headed to his locker and put his books inside and heard heels click and he knew it was his girlfriend soon to be ex. He decided to act like everything was normal, since he didn't know she knew he cheated. He turned around and smiled as she kept a blank face.  She then started talking, “ You know you could have just told me that it bothered you what happened between me and Reggie or that you didn’t love me anymore or why else did you cheat on me with Josie”, she said with a crack in her voice, he just stared at her not knowing how to respond. “How do you know about that?” is all he could say, wondering how she could possibly know. “Guess you haven’t checked your phone Archibald, it’s all over social media '' Veronica replied, as he held her phone out showing him the picture. “Listen, Ronnie, that had nothing to do with what happened between you and Reggie, it was a  mistake and am sorry, I wasn’t thinking,” he said.  “You are right, you really weren’t thinking, you know I don't blame you for breaking my heart. I blame you for lying to me that you love me and for staying long enough that it's extremely hard for me to stop loving. But I am not going to forgive you. Veronica Lodge doesn’t like lieres. You said you loved me for god's sake.” She said with a mad yet sad tone and tears leaving her eyes. He looked at her with regret and anger. But I could tell he wasn’t mad at her, it was anger thours himself for being so careless. For letting his emotions take over. “I do love you. Am so sorry for hunting you. But now I gotta let you go,be able to open up to new people, more importantly good people. We were happy. But I had to screw it up. I am sorry for hurting you Ronnie. But you deserve someone better, someone who won't cheat on you. I don’t deserve you. I love you and am truly sorry.” he said with a crack in his voice then he left. Leaving poor Ronnie heart broken. Betty and Kevin tried to comfort her but she left running to the bathroom. Betty tried to go after her but Toni stopped her since Veronica needed some space.

*End of  a really long flashback*

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