Unexpected Issues

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Jughead’s POV

Everything has been great lately. Now, the whole school  knew about us. Which was okay, we could finally sit next to each other, like a couple. We could go on real dates. So it was amazing. Although it gets uncomfortable around Archie sometimes. Today was the last day of school, before we go on winter break. It all went smoothly today and now I was in bed with my beautiful girlfriend, she rested her head on my bare chest, as I rubbed my hand over her bare back. “That was amazing” she said, “I know right, I love seeing your face deep in pleasure” I said with a smirk that earned me a light smack on my chest, “Your one to talk, your always saying how tight I am” she replied. “That’s because you are” I answered and kissed her. We started making out and she straddled me. Just then her door opened and we quickly pulled apart as she got out my lap and covered herself. Archie was standing in the doorway, turned away from us. “I’m sorry, I should've knocked, more importantly don’t have sex with the door unlocked” he said. "Sorry Arch, what can I do for you?" Betty said. "I was just coming up to tell you that dinner was ready," he said. By now Betty had my T-shirt on. While I was still naked under the covers. “Thanks Arch I will be down there in a second, sorry again” she said to him. “Mhm, see you down stairs” he said, closing his eyes and closing the door behind him.  When he closed the door I burst out laughing. “I don’t see what’s so funny” she said with an annoyed look. “Sorry baby, just his reaction was priceless” I said. She got up and started getting dressed into normal clothes. I got up as well and put on my boxers and jeans. I went behind her and hugged her, she stiffed and got used to the contact of my bare chest again, as she leaned her back on me which was only covered on top by a thin piece of fabric from back of her bra. “Are you mad at me?” I asked. “No” she said softly, “how could I be?, your so cute” she added and smiled. She turned around and kissed me. “I love you” I said, “I love you too” she replied. I smiled, “Are you staying for dinner?” she asked, “I would love too, but after what Archie just saw he will probably be mad at me and I don’t want to make things awkward, well more than they already are, so I will head home instead” I answered. She nodded and kissed me again and we finished getting dressed and we headed down stairs. I said hi to Betty's parents, and Archie just looked the other way.

Betty’s POV

"Archie, have you thought about which college you're going to apply to?” my dad asked. It has been quiet for a few minutes now, basically since Jughead left. Am not sure if my parents know what happened earlier, you know Archie walking in on me and Juggie, but I hope not. "Actually me and Jug applied to UC Berkeley and UCLA” he said, at that moment my walls came crashing down. I wanted to break at that moment my boyfriend was moving across the country. Since we live on the east coast and California is in the pacific coast. We were going to be 2,787.2 miles away for a year and then I would go to yale but we would still be so far away from each other. This never occurred to me really. I knew Archie was going to go to California for College but I thought Jug would go to NYU or something. I excused myself from dinner and ran to my room and cried into my pillow. Was I being too dramatic? No, of course not my boyfriend whom I love is probably moving away to the other side of the country and he didn’t even bother to tell me that he may be moving. Soon I cried myself to sleep. 

Next morning, I woke up and got dressed into a pink sweater and jeans. I grabbed my backpack which had my laptop in and I headed to Pop’s. When I got there I saw Jughead typing and drinking coffee. But I was kinda upset with him, I know it may be stupid because am just being dramatic. But I love him and he is probably leaving. I decided to sit on the other side of dinner where I could still see him. I ordered some breakfast and a milkshake since I didn't eat anything at home. I typed and drank my milkshake thirty minutes later I was deep into my writing I felt a tap on my shoulder I looked up and saw Jughead their with his big, charming smile. I scouted over and he sat next to me and tried to kiss me but I looked the other way so he kissed my cheek. "Love? What's wrong" he asked. 
  "Why didn't you tell me you are applying to colleges in California." I said. He went quite. "Babe it's my dream to UC Berkeley , I thought you knew that." "Yeah well I didn't, you said you were applying to NYU you know something closer to your dad, to me" I said. "I know and I did apply to NYU and am on the waiting list but me and Archie have always planned to go to California for college, I mean why are you even upset we don’t know if I got accepted to any of them yet, for all I know I could end up going to Riverdale community college” he said. "I just don’t want to loose what we have by you being on the other side of the country” I said. “I know but we will figure it out when the times comes but for now let’s just be together and enjoy okay?” He said, I nodded I still was very upset over the fact he was probably moving away. He gave me a kiss and we just stayed their for the rest of the day.

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