the not so happy ending

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Betty’s POV

Today is Archie’s and well Jughead's graduation. We broke up about two weeks ago. They’re both leaving tomorrow, so I am sad because am going to miss him, am going to miss my Juggy, well he’s not mine anymore but I mean am going to miss every single thing and part about him. His touch, his cuddles, and kisses, hugs, talks and of course our many passionate nights but mostly am going to miss his charming smile, god that smile got me through many breakdowns. But I guess I had to let him go. Veronica and Kevin also convinced me that it was for the best so he could, concentrate on other things and enjoy party’s and stuff maybe if he was just a bit closer we could’ve done long distance. Anyway’s I was sitting in the bleachers next to V and my parents as well as Jugs dad as the boys were walking to their seats in the field. After a beautiful ceremony they got a diploma and we waited for them outside the tiny stadium. When they approached us V and Archie hugged and so did him and my parents as V and Fp congratulated Jug and vise versa. I congratulated Archie with a hug and while the rest of them were talking Jug and I awkwardly stared at each other since we haven't talked since our break up. I mean the first week we were both wrecks so this week just started getting better. So I decided to break the silence. “Congrats” I said. “Thanks Betts” he said, I smiled. After we headed home and had a great dinner, they both went to a graduation party at Reggie's and since I was a little sad, Kevin and Veronica stayed. Honestly Veronica and I were being comfort by kev, V and Arch made this weird arrangement for their long distance relationship, so.

Next day

After a long awkward car ride we arrived at the nearest airport from Riverdale. To drop of Archie and Jughead so they can head to California. It was our dad, Mr.Jones, Veronica, Archie, Jughead, and me in the car my mom couldn't come because she had an emergency at work so she said her goodbye's at home. Anyways we finally got to the airport. We were waiting for the their flight to get called, finally the speaker announce that their flight would leave soon. Everyone had said goodbye except me and Jug, "Will give you guys a minute" My dad said. Me and Jug stared at each other until tears started flowing down my cheeks so he wiped them off, "Don't cry Betts, it will break my heart again" he said, I nodded. "I know we didn't end things in the best terms but maybe this for the best, okay?" He said. "Yeah" I responded. " I-I love you don't ever forget that, and I don't know what the future may hold Betts but whatever it is remember that I love you" he said. " I love you too, and I know you will become a better writer than you already are" I said while smiling he pulled me into a last short kiss. And like that he left.I have to move on, I will be telling myself everyday i just know it. Although I did love him so dearly, I truly did. It just wasn’t meant to be

Narrators POV’s 
Betty and jughead loved each other they both really did. But in this case the best thing that could happen to them both was being apart and going their own ways and although they were only together for exactly 11 months and 29 days they would never love anyone like they loved each other because, they were soulmates and they were meant to be together. Sadly that wasn’t was going to happen at this time. But that’s how everything ended, they had different goals in life and that was okay, but it didn’t change the fact that it is heartbreaking. They’re love was daring and who know’s maybe they do end up together. Maybe in the future they’re paths cross again. But they didn’t know that yet so for them they’re great love was over.

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