The date

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Betty POV

 I heard the doorbell ring, I looked at the time and knew it was Jughead, I said bye to my mom and opened the door. He looked so handsome, and I noticed he wasn’t wearing his beanie, but I didn’t mind cause I could see his beautiful, raven hair. We stared at each other for a second or two, until he spoked.

J: You look stunning, Betts

I blushed and gave him a soft kiss.

B: You look amazing as well.

He reached for my hand and I grabbed his. We walked to the car and he opened the door for me.

B: What a gentleman

J: Only for you

He smiled and went on the other side as he shot the door. We were both buckled, so he started driving, we arrived there, I put my hand around his arm while we walked down the stairs to the speakeasy. Just as we sit down at our table Jughead sees Reggie and waves. He waved back, and then he smirked at me. I guess he knew. We were handed menus. We order our drinks and food. (You decide what they ordered) We talked for a little bit, and then our food came. Time flew by quickly, it was already nine fifty, I texted my mom to ask if it was okay for me to be home a little bit after ten. She said she didn’t mind as long as I came home before midnight. Jug and I talked for a little bit until eleven. He paid the bill and we headed to the car.

B: Thanks Jug, this was really fun.

J: Well am glad you liked it because this is the first of many. Although we have to find away for people not to find out we are dating, until after we tell Archie.

B:  Yeah, and although I do like the whole date thing, I do prefer to watch a movie and cuddle while eating pop’s take out.

J: Betty Andrews, you are the perfect girl for me.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me close, and placed a soft kiss on my lips. We were in the parking lot. We broke the kiss and got inside the car. We drove back to our houses. On, ride home, we talked and laughed, and the whole time he held my hand and rubbed it. It was so fun, I felt so free and loved. We finally got to my driveway. He got out of the car and went on the other side to open my door. I got out of the car and grabbed his hand and walked to my front door.

B: Jug thanks again for tonight it was amazing

J: Well I am glad you had fun, because I did too. May I say tonight was perfect?

I just smiled and nodded, he kissed me and I kissed him back.

B: Well I better get inside, before my mom calls the police to file a “missing report”

He chuckled

J: Fair enough, so I guess I will see you tomorrow.

B: Of course

We kissed one more time before I headed inside and he drove home. I entered and texted the group chat, that it all went well. I said hello to my mom who was in her study. I asked her where my dad was and she said that he was still at “Andrews construction” because he had to finish some paperwork. I went to my room and got ready for bed just as I was about to turn off the light, there was a knock on my bedroom door.
(F=Fred, B=Betty and Ar=Archie)

F: Hey sweetheart you're still awake.

B: Oh yeah, I was actually about to turn off the light

F: Oh sorry, I was just going to say good-

He was interrupted by Archie walking in.

B: Hey arch, I thought you were staying at V’s.

Ar: I was but, Hermosa needed Ronnie’s help with something.

B: Oh well, you should go to bed now.

They both headed to the door, and my dad turned off the light as I laid in my bed.

F: Night Betty

B: Good night dad, oh Arch?

Ar: Yeah?

B: We’re leaving extra early tomorrow

Ar: God, I can’t wait until dad and you fix the other car,

B: Trust me, me too.

F: Soon we will fix it now, go to sleep Archie, see you in the morning Betty

He said as they both walked out of my room, closing the door. Neither knew about my date which was weird. And as much as I wanted to tell Archie he would not be okay with it and I didn’t want to ruin our sibling bond, or his bromance with Jug. I didn’t want to tell dad, because he would say something cheesy about how me telling Archie is the “right thing to do”, so I won’t say a word until me and Jug are ready.

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