time to tell him

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*4 months later*

Jughead’s POV

Betty and I have been dating for four months now, it's weird not kissing her when I am over at her house, me and Archie still hang out like before. Betty and I can’t do the things normal couples do because anybody can see us and start rumors about us, which can lead to Archie finding out. Yes, we haven’t told him, but he has made certain comments these past few months that just make us want to tell him, less. (Hope that makes sense) We couldn’t risk that. Although we can’t go out on public, it’s still nice. We had our first time a couple of weeks ago, which was amazing and intimate. I told her I loved her two months ago, and she said it back. Anyways we would usually go to my house and hang out there, sometimes we watch movies and order pop’s take out, just like she said on our first date. Other times we play board games, or simply just talk. If we want it to be more special we go to pop’s and go on a date, but that’s the only time we go out in public because we disguised it as if we’re working on an article for the blue and gold, so people don’t question it. I don’t really care where we hang out as long as we’re together. She is so perfect. Archie and Veronica broke up two months ago. So me and Betty spend a lot of time with them at first, but still manage to see each other. So far Betty’s friends, my dad, her mom, Reggie, Sweet pea, and Fangs know we are together. Sweet pea walked in on us kissing, so we had to tell him, and well Fangs he saw me texting Betty so I told him. They both know not to tell Archie. After all, today I actually woke up and decided that I am going to tell Betty that I think it’s time to let Archie know, I hope she agrees. I told Betty to meet me at my house at 3. And it’s 2:55, so she should be here soon. I decided I would just get some writing done while she arrived.

Betty POV

Jughead told me to meet him at his house at three. Archie was here at the house. He has been playing a lot more music since him and V broke up. Since then our friend group split up and now, me, Kevin, and the girls hang out and Archie, Moose, Reggie, and Jug hang out. It’s weird but it’s for the best. Me and Jug have been doing great lately. I am in love with him. Anyways I noticed it was 2:30 so I better get ready, I put on a jean jacket since I was already wearing a pink  skirt, and a white shirt. I waited until 2:57 to leave since his house was literally two houses down from mine. I get out of my house and head to his, I knock on the front door, Mr. Jones opens. I remembered today was his day off.

FP: Hey Betty

B: Hey Mr. Jones

I said as we gave each other a hug, he smiled and moved to the side so I could come in.

FP: Come in.

B: Thanks

I say as I came in.

FP: Jug is in his room. 

I nodded and walked up the stairs to his room. I saw him sitting in his desk writing, as I stood next to the door frame. I knocked. He turned around and smiled.

J: Hi Betts.

He said as he got up, and gave me a small yet passionate kiss.

B: Hi Juggie. 

We walked to his bed to sit down.

J: So I wanted to talk about something

B: Sure

J: Well Betty you know how much I love you, and everything has been perfect

B: But?

I said nervously. Knowing this is where the bad part comes.

J: Don’t worry there are no buts, I just wanted to ask you something

B: Oh okay

J: Well we both agree to tell Archie, we are dating when it became something serious, and when we were both ready, and I don’t know about you baby, but I think we should tell him.

B: Wow, Are you sure?

J: I am, I mean his my best friend and you're the love of my life, and he is your brother, he deserves to know, don’t you think?

B: Yeah, your right.

J: So is that a yes?

B: That’s a yes.

He kissed me, and then pulled back.

J: Great, How should we tell him?

B: How about you and your dad come over for dinner?

J: I will ask my dad, but sure

B: Great we kill two birds with one stone, not only do we tell Archie but we tell my dad, as well. If that’s okay with you?

J: Yeah, of course, I mean your dad loves me

I laughed and nodded.

B: Great let me call my mom.

I said as I stood up pulling out my phone. She said that she would love having them over for dinner. Great, I hope it goes well

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