Invaded my privacy

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Jughead’s POV’s
"Am sorry okay?, am sorry for wanting to live my dream” I said. “It’s not about you living your dream am glad you are trust me, the point here is you didn’t tell me that you got accepted and your leaving in two weeks” she said madly yet sad. “I know I should’ve told you, but I didn’t want to lose you because I love you” I said to her grabbing her hands so she would calm down. “I know and I love you too and yeah, you should’ve told me but you didn’t which is exactly why I have to let you go with no commitment, because you didn’t have the trust to tell me you were leaving instead you lied to my face and I can’t be in a relationship where their is no trust so am sorry but Juggie as much as I love you-” she said tears poring down her perfectly formed cheeks, "Please don't say it baby" I interrupted "I'm sorry Juggy, am afraid were over" she said. And so their, those words killed me completely and I knew they killed her too.

One hour earlier 

"I can’t believe Archie is leaving in two weeks” Betty said. Oh right I lied to Betty about collage well I didn’t lie I just forgot to tell her. I mean is just am leaving to the other side of the country and I’ve known for a week so far, and I just didn’t know how to you know say it. It's not that simple. I mean how do you tell the love of your life your moving to the other side of the country. I would only see her every holiday and vacations. So I would only see her a few times a year. “Isn’t it weird how schools haven’t replied to you yet?" she said. “Yeah totally” I said. “Alright that's enough, I know you got accepted Jug so cut the crap” she said “You knew, how?” I asked. “The day I went to your house before senior ditch day it was on the coffee table and I saw it and” she said. How could she invade my privacy like that. “And you read it?” I said. “At least I wasn’t the one who didn’t tell his girlfriend that he was moving across the country in less than a month” she said. And an hour later I had lost her for now.

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