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Jughead's POV

It's now May, wow time goes by fast. Anyways, me and Betty have been rocky lately. I mean we had our issues during Christmas break but after that we were fine but recently we've been fighting a lot. Hopefully today gets better. I was currently getting on my motorcycle so I could get to school. I drove there and parked outside. As I entered, I walked down the corridors and I spotted my favorite blonde outside her locker putting away some books so I quietly walked behind her and snaked my arms around her waist she turned around and pecked my lips and closed her locker. "Hey Juggie" she said. So we started walking to, first period. "So I was wondering since tomorrow is senior ditch day and you aren't a senior if you wanted to skip school with me and Archie" I said. "Skip school?" She said. I nodded. "Well I don't have anything important tomorrow so, sure" she said, I smiled and kissed her. Soon the school day was over and I headed home. Before I entered my house I checked the mailbox and there it was, an envelope that had my future written inside it. I grabbed the rest of the mail and went inside. I put the mail on the coffee table and sat on the couch. I grabbed the envelope and stared at it. I was nervous about what it said. After fifteen minutes of staring at it, I decided to open it.  It said "Dear Mr. Jones, I am pleased to congratulate you on behalf of the University of California, Berkeley upon our acceptance of your application". I jumped up the couch and started telling myself that I got in. I was overjoyed. But then it hit me, what about Betty? So there I sat upset on the couch. A few hours later, my dad got home, "Hi Jug, what's wrong?" He asked. "I got accepted to berkeley" I said sadly. "Oh my god that's amazing, I am so proud of you boy" he said. "Wait why are you upset? Aren't you happy?" he asked. I sat up "I am it's just what about Betty" I said. "Am sure everything between you and your girl will be okay just go tell her before anyone else" he said. "Your right am-" before I could finish the doorbell rang, I got up and opened the door. It was Betty carrying a small plastic box. "Hi baby" I said. "Hi" she said and pecked my cheek. I moved so she could come in. “Come in” I said. She came in and spotted my dad, “Hey, Mr.Jones, my mom told me to bring this over for you guys” she said handing him the plastic box. “Great you mom's sugar cookies, thank you” he said he took the box to the kitchen and came back. "Well I’ll leave you guys to it.” He said walking up stairs. “I didn’t know you were coming” I said. “Oh sorry were you busy I can just go if you want me too” she said. “What no you know I love spending time with you, want something to drink?” I said, “Yeah actually can you get me some water please?” She said. “Of course, sit and I’ll go get it” I responded. 

Betty POV 

Jug left for the kitchen. And I noticed there was a white paper next to an opened envelope on the coffee table. I didn’t think much of it until I noticed something so I decided to read it, I grabbed it and I hesitated for a second. I mean I am kind invading his privacy but he won’t mind right? I started reading it and I was shocked, he is leaving. Oh my god, I won’t say anything, I will wait until he tells me. I put the letter down and he came into the living room handing me the water, we decided to watch a movie and he didn’t say anything about the fact that he got accepted into UC Berkeley.

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