Maybe some other night

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Betty's POV

When I got home, I went to tell my mom that tonight we were going to tell Archie and my dad that me and Jug are dating. I was watching some tv and my phone buzzed, I looked at it and saw that V had sent me a message. So I opened it.

*Over text*

V: I going to give Archie a second chance

B: What!, are you sure?

V: Yeah, like you always say everyone deserves a second chance 

B: Yeah, I do say that constantly, but Arch really hurt you

V: I know B, but I decided to forgive him

B: Okay, if that’s what you want than, I support you

V: Great thank you, am going to text him right now, and tell him to meet me at pop’s to talk

B: Great good luck, love you

V: Love you too, B

*End of text*

I can’t tell Archie today, because if he does get back together he will be so happy and I don’t want to take that away from him because he hasn’t been happy since they broke up. But if they don’t get back together he is going to be sad and I don’t want him to be more upset. It’s okay, Jughead will understand, right? But he did seem excited about us telling Archie and I was to, just not so much. Maybe we can just tell my dad and tell Archie and other day. Few hours later Archie came to my room. 

A: You won’t believe what just happen, Betty

B: What happened?

A: Me and Veronica got back together, she said she was going to give me another chance

B: That’s great Arch, I am so happy for you and V, just please don’t hurt her ever again

A: Don’t worry I am not planning on it

We hugged and he left. He hasn’t looked this happy in months. I guess me and Jug have to wait and tell him later.

Jughead’s POV

I was at my desk writing. Waiting to go over to the Andrews house. My phone started ringing, I grabbed and the caller ID read Archie Andrews. So I picked up. 

J: Hey Arch, what’s up?

A: Jug, you are not going to believe it, guess what happened.

J: Oh uh, what happened?

A: Me and Ronnie are back together

J: Wow, that’s unexpected, congrats

A: Thanks

J: Well I gotta go man, see you at diner

A: You guys are coming over?

J: Yeah

A: Great, see you later, bye

The call ended. And everything started coming back. I knew we couldn’t tell Archie today, he is so happy. Betty will understand right? She seemed so excited about coming clean though. Soon a few hours passed and my dad said we were leaving. Couple of minutes later we arrived at Archie and Betty’s house. We rang the doorbell and Alice opened the door, we said hello and got inside. She said that dinner was almost ready and that I should go upstairs with Archie while it was ready. My dad started talking to her and Fred. When I got upstairs I decided to go to Betty’s room before Archie’s. I knocked at the open door. She was writing, she had the same outfit as earlier which it made sense, since I did too. She looked up and smiled, I closed the door and walked to her to kiss her. As I sat down next to her on her bed. Once I kissed her she smiled, we had a light conversation on how we were both really hungry. I decided to tell her that we should tell Archie some other night.

J: Betts?


She looked at me. 

J: I think we should tell Archie another night

B: Really?

J: Well yeah, I know you were excited about telling him, but you probably heard about him and Ronnie getting back together and he just seemed so happy, that I think we should tell him another day and not ruin his today. 

 I said nervously. She stayed quiet for a second and I had a scared look on my face. She started laughing

J: What’s so funny?

B: Oh Juggie, I was actually going to tell you the same thing, we should wait a little more, right?

I nodded and kissed her. After a few seconds she pulled away.

B: Great we will tell him, in a few days

J: Yeah, I love you 

B: I love you too

I got up and went to Archie's room. That night was like any other one we had before. No special news, other than the fact that Archie and Veronica are back together.


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