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The rest of the class went on in a blur.

Jayden kept glancing at me all through the class.

The dumb bell finally rang freeing us all from that hell hole.

I walked out with Harley by my side and of course the brat was right behind me.

I turned around and saw him smirk at me. I glared at him as if I was a witch from a movie.

He gave me a dumb smile.

Yeah , he's cute.

Wait what am I thinking.

Him. No way.

"Earth to Carla. " I heard Harley say while tapping my head.

I smiled at her seeing as it was embarrassing.

"we don't have most of our classes together. But we'll have lunch together. Okay? " Harley said in a motherly tone while collecting books from her locker.

She was always so nice to me and hell was she protective.

Apart from my mum Harley was the only motherly figure I had in my life.

"yeah we'll have lunch together. "I said with a smile on my face.

Soon the bell rang and we went our separate ways.

I hated the fact that we didn't have all our classes together.

But well nothing to do there.


I walked into the classroom unwillingly if I may add.

I sat at the back of the class staring blankly at the board.

That's when I saw a familiar figure.


There were at least three empty sits in the classroom.

But he just had to sit right next to me.

He kept staring at me like a lunatic.

I decided to break the silence.

"um... Why are you staring at me like that." I said feeling annoyed.

"you want the honest answer or the creepy one. " he said staring even more intensely at me.

"honest " I said rolling my eyes at him.

"honestly you're really beautiful. I get mesmerized at the sight of you. " he said flirtatiously.

My face lit up at he's words.

I tried my best to hide it and just looked away.


Finally lunch time.

I made my way to the cafeteria scanning the place to see if I can spot Harley.

I finally got a glimpse of her.

She was standing in line with a tray in her hand.

I quietly grabbed a tray and made my way over to the line.

After getting her food Harley waited for me at the side.

We both made our way over to sit.

Out of the blue the brat popped up and sat next to me.

"what are you doing here. "I asked him

"I'm shopping baby. " he said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes at him. And saw Harley giggling softly.

"well to be honest the girls here stare at me like I'm food or something. " he said while taking a bite of his food.

"and how's that my problem. " I said

"you're the only girl I actually want to hang out with in this place. " he said looking quite innocent even if he wasn't.

"well I don't want to hang out with you. " I said abruptly.

"would you guys stop it. " Harley said in a motherly tone.

"baby you guys should be friends for crying out loud. You guys live next door to each other.

You're bound to see each other and you can't keep fighting whenever you see each other. " she said looking me in the eyes.

"she's right you know"Jayden said in support to Harley's suggestion.

I looked long and hard at Harley.  Then she gave me a light nod.

"Alright then friends" I said waiting for him to reply.

"friends " he replied taking my hand in he's for a handshake.


School was finally over.

Harley, Jayden and I made our way to the parking lot.

Harley had to leave because some of her friends called her over to hang out.

And God knows I wouldn't be caught dead at one of those things.

So there we were.  Jayden and I standing alone in the parking lot.

And that's when I got the call

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