Historical Ball

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"No..no.. you can't die.... Not yet..". I cried out. I couldn't believe it. It's over.

A week ago
"Why is the principal looking for us. Did you get into trouble again". I asked Jayden as we made our way to the principal's office.

"Why would I do anything wrong". He said with he's usual boyish charm.

I knocked on the door and then Jayden walked in even without principal Jackson's saying anything.

"Oh come in Mr Ryder". He said in an annoyed tone.

"Oh come on Steve tell us why we're here". Jayden said ever so bold as to call him by he's first name.

"You are aware I can have you expelled Mr Ryder".

"You're aware I don't care Steven".

"Umm sorry Mr Jackson you called me as well". I said finally breaking through the akwardness.

"Well miss Simpson, I called you both here for something very important. I want you and Mr Ryder to be in charge of planning the first ever historical ball here at our school".

"Well Mr Jackson it would be an honour but why me?" I asked because hell I wouldn't even go to a ball let alone plan one.

"Well miss Simpson, you're known for your amazing grades perfect attendance and of course good behavior". He said

"As for Mr Ryder here, he has half the student body afraid of him so I bet there wouldn't be any pranks". He said then Jayden chuckled.

"And the final reason. You're the only one who seems able to keep Mr Ryder in check. Hence you're both in charge. You may leave". He said then we both walked straight out of he's office.

"Bye Steve". Jayden let out one last remark before leaving the office.

"Keep me in check huh?" He said then turns me and I collided with his chest.

"Why yes, I am your sire after all".

"Well may this humble servant have one request". He said with a terrible midevil accent.

"What does thou wish to have".

"A kiss from her majesty".

"A kiss huh. Well I'll allow it". Just then Jayden leaned in and kissed me. In the middle of the hall way.

"Get a room!" A guy shouted from God knows where but we just ignored him.


Well planning for the historical ball wasn't easy. At first I had to get the word out.

Next get decorations, explain the theme two hundred times to the whole student body.

And the most important thing was food. Even the food was themed and the drinks.

I had to make the whole gym transform by Friday.

And well Jayden made sure all the handy work was done properly and he made sure the night was gonna be prank free.

Seeing as our school has a history of pulling epic pranks at every single school dance.

And of course I had to go shopping with Harley.

"So how historical is this ball?" Harley asked while looking through dresses.

"Well all you need to do is dress up as an historical figure or wear old timey clothes not like anyone would know the difference".

"How's things with TJ  going?" Harley asked.

"Who's TJ?" I asked seeing as I was utterly confused.

"Your boyfriend idiot".

"Oh jayden, we're in a really good place right now. But enough about me, who's your date to the dance?" I asked ethusiatically.

"Well I'm don't really have one. I'll just go on my own".

"No way in hell are you going alone. You can go with Jayden and I".

"Even though that's a nice idea. I don't do third wheels". She said then walked out on me.

Even if she didn't like the idea she wouldn't just storm off like that.

Harley's been acting strange for some time now but I never really paid much attention to it.


It was finally here. The night of the dance.

Jayden and I met up at school because my mum is still going on about her anti-jayden.

Harley and I still haven't spoken to each other.

But I wasn't gonna let that ruin the night.

I danced around with Jayden, I ate historical food, drank and honestly I had fun.

It was a success.

Being the organizer I had to give a speech in front of everyone.

While on stage I looked at every single person until my eyes landed on Harley.

And there I thought It would be the right time to make up with her.

"Hello everyone,welcome to the  first ever historical ball in our school's history. Today we celebrate the heros, the fallen and even the villians of history

And speaking of history. Harley could you come up here."I said then I saw a reluctant looking Harley walk up on stage.

"Harley I know we've been in a really bad place recently but I would like to apologise and set everything straight". I said and waited for what felt like a hundred years for Harley to reply.

"It's okay kiddo. I'm not upset with you". I felt the biggest smile pop up on my face when she said that.

"HUG HUG HUG HUG" the whole school chorused.

And we did just that I.

All of a sudden Harley pushed me to the ground and the chandelier that was above us came crashing down.

It landed right on top of Harley. She had just saved my life.

Screams echoed through out the room.

Minutes later an ambulance had arrived. Jayden and I follow the ambulance in he's car.

We arrived right at the same time the ambulance did.

"No..no..you can't die.... Not yet..." I cried out as the nurses pulled her away in a stretcher.

This couldn't be happening to me.

After what felt like hours the doctor came out.

"I'm sorry we tried our best but she lost too much blood".

I fell down to the floor as I heard those words. Jayden tried to comfort me but I pushed him away.

Harley can't die.

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