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After crying my eyes out for God knows how long I finally left the bathroom with Harley.

We saw a worried looking Jayden leaning on the opposite wall.

He looked at me with worried eyes. That was actually the first time I noticed how pretty he's eyes were.

It was like staring at the deep ocean. Wanting to dive in even though you know you might drown.

He pushed himself to stand straight with he's leg.

He walked over to me and stared at me deeply.

He always stares at me but this time was different. He had a different look in he's eyes.

"come with me". He whispered into my ear.

Harley heard him and she made her way to class. Glancing one last worried look at me she walked away.

Jayden took my hand in he's and we sneaked out through the School's front door.

We ran over to he's motorcycle and zoomed away.

He drove for a while before coming to a stop.

We were at the beach. A place I haven't been in a long time. A place that holds so many memories.

"I don't want to be here". I said while walking away.

"wait...... stay with me". He said in a low voice walking over to me.

At this point I could feel him breathe down my neck.

Soon I felt he's hands take hold of my waist from behind.

He rested he's head on my shoulder.

"stay with me ". He said again this time with passion in he's voice.

I turned around and looked at him. He's hands were still on my waist.

I nodded my head.

"Take my hand". He said while letting go of my waist and extended he's hand to me.

We walked towards the shore. We just kept walking silently.

He kept scaring at me occasionally as if begging me to break the silence.

"he's my ex". I said finally breaking the awkward silence.

We sat at the shore with our feet in the water.

I told him everything that happened between Cole Jade and I.

He held on to my hand and gave it a slight squeeze as if he knew that I was about to cry.

We still remained silent when I thought of something.

I've met he's dad a couple of times and he never says anything.

Being a Complete idiot I had to ruin the moment with a dumb question.

"why doesn't your dad talk". I said shifting my gaze from the ocean to he's eyes.

Those blue eyes.

"you know curiosity killed the cat right". He said and I just rolled my eyes in my usual fashion.

"He hasn't always been like that. He was shot in the throat damaging he's vocal chords". He said while drawing something on the sand.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring it up". I told him sympathetically.

"don't worry about it. I handle shit well". He said with a smile on he's face. 

"your mum? " I asked still curious about he's life.

"dead". He said without any emotions.

I wondered how someone could say that without showing any emotions.

I could tell he noticed my reaction he just rolled he's eyes at me.

"she was shot. The same day my dad was. She died and my dad was made mute". He said still without any emotions.

"forget all this I didn't bring you here to listen to sad stories about my life". He said while getting up.

He dragged me along and into the water.

He splashed water at me. And I just had to reciprocate.

We played around disregarding the fact that we were still wearing clothes .

We played around like kids. He held me from behind and dragged me dipper into the water.

Now I was standing right in front of him and he held on to my waist.

He looked into my eyes but to he's surprise I looked back this time.

We looked into each others eyes when he slowly leaned forward.

I was clueless to what was happening because I was lost in he's eyes.

Soon I felt he's lips against mine. My body spoke against my mind.

And before I knew what was happening I was kissing him back.

The kiss felt hungry like he's been keeping it bundled up for so long and he didn't know when to let it out.

He slowly pulled away still holding on to my waist.

He kept looking into my eyes and just as I felt he's stare get deeper he just let go of me out of the blue.

He gestured for me to head back to he's motorcycle.

We both made our way over to where he parked. We were dead silent not even looking at each other.


The ride was silent and to my surprise we were at the mall.

With wet clothes so any one with common sense would know what we came to do here.

He took me over to a Gucci store. I was shocked to be honest. This shits expensive.

"why are we here". I said looking up straight at him.

"To bury my aunt Mary ". He said sarcastically making the store attendant to laugh quietly.

He then gave her a death stare. The kind a murderer gives before killing someone.

"you know it's really expensive here right". I said

"yeah I know. But I got your clothes wet and you can't go home looking like this". He said looking down at me.

Yes I'm short or is he just really tall. Whatever it was he always had to look down to see me and I had to look up.

We got the clothes and I changed into them right away. He also bought himself a change of clothes.

It's strange that he could actually afford all these.

But I just brushed off the thought.

He drove me home, this time even more silently.

Knowing fully well my mum doesn't like him, he drop me off a few houses away from mine.

When I got home he waited a while before going home just not to raise suspicion.


I laid on my bed just thinking about everything that happened today.

How cole showed up. How I cried. How Jayden comforted me.

How we kissed.

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