FINALE: The truth

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Its been a week since Isa spoke to me. Ever since then I've been avoiding Theo.

I want to know the truth yet part of me is scared about what I might find out.

I finally decided it was time.

I mean its now or ever right. If I don't do this now, I don't think I can keep the promise.

I spent the whole day pacing around my room.

It was about 8pm when I sent Theo a text.

Hey can we go out for a drive?

Of course baby. See you in 10.

I made my way downstairs when I collided with my mum.

"Watch it Laura". I said rudely before rolling my eyes.

The sight of her still makes makes me want to vomit.

"And watch your mouth brat. Since you finally know the truth. I don't need to pretend anymore". She said all bitchy.

"Don't act like you've ever treated me right in the past".

"Listen here. If you want to keep staying under my room and eating my food you better show me some respect. Got it".

"Whatever Laura I won't be staying for long anyway". I said then stormed off.

When I got outside I saw Theo was already waiting by he's car.

He opened the door for me and waited till I got in before he jogged over to the driver's side.

The engines soon came to life and there we were on the road with no destination.

"Why did you suddenly want to go on a drive after avoiding me for a week". Theo finally said something filling the awkward silence.

"I need to talk to you and promise you'll be honest". I said looking out through the window.

"Did something happen?" He asked taking my hand.

"Just promise me". I said while taking my hand back.

"Fine. I promise. Now tell me what's wrong".

"Alexandria Maria Hernandez. Have you ever heard that name before?" I asked finally able to look at him.

"Why did you suddenly ask that". He said trying to avoid the question.

"Just don't lie to me and don't beat around the bush".

"Yes I've heard the name before". He admitted.

"Do you know her?"


"Where is she right now". I asked him praying Isa was lying.

"She's sitting right here". He gave the answer I didn't want to hear. The answer I dreaded.

"Why did you pretend that you didn't know who I was. Who are you. And why on earth does a 16 year old high school student have tattoos." I blurted out all at once. My tone going higher after every word.

"Listen Carla".

"Don't even start with that. Just tell me the truth. You're just a no good liar. I'm sure our whole relationship was just a joke to you". I said with all the rage bundled up inside.

"Stop it Carla. You can shout. You can say whatever you want. But know this, our relationship was never a joke to me".

"If it wasn't a joke then tell me the truth. Answer my questions".

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